How much is a gallon of regular gas where you are? : LUSENET : FRL friends : One Thread |
Here where I am, in Northwestern Jersey, you can get a gallon of regular for about $1.65. If you drive around searching a while you can find it for as low as $1.60.The average price is about $1.74 in this area. Usually there is about a ten cent difference between grades. So you'd pay about $1.84 for the mid-grade and $1.94 for premium. Prices were going up quickly (almost every day!) for a while but now they seemed to have leveled off and are just sitting there.
-- (sonofdust@gas.prices), June 04, 2001
I'm WAY west in Houston, and we've been paying $1.53 for regular unleaded, but there was a 'gas war' this weekend. The local Exxon was selling regular unleaded for $1.41, so we all filled up.When we were in California near Yosemite, (not many choices of stations) we had to pay $2.25 a gallon for regular unleaded. OUCH! (We saw one station that had it for $2.69!)
-- Gayla (, June 04, 2001.
Regular unleaded was $1.48 yesterday down here in the heart o' Texas, down a little from the week before when it was $1.51.
-- Brooke (, June 04, 2001.
How much is a gallon down here?About four quarts I'd guess...... 8<)
-- Robert A. Cook, PE (Marietta, GA) (, June 04, 2001.
We buy by the litre here, it's about 1/4 a gallon, and we pay in Canadian $ - about 3 per 2 $ American. We also buy high octane. Given all that... we payed about $.88/liter this week... you figure it out :-)
-- Tricia the Canuck (, June 04, 2001.
Hmmm. So ya want me to figger it out do ya? Ok. I need a break from storytellin anyway.Now lettuce sea. Good Sir Robert guessed that there are four quarts in a gallon. I ain't sure but I think that a quart is about twice as much as your litter. So that we be about 8 litters. So we multiply the 8 litters by 3 per 2 so that be be uh, well 2*3 is six. Ok. So then 6 times 8 is uh… hold on a minute, I'll be right back!
-- (getting@my.calculator), June 04, 2001.
48! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! Sheesh, that's a lot of litter. Now where waz I? Oh yeah, you said it cost about 88 cents for one litter so 48 times 88 cents is, uh, hold on now I still got this here calculator...WOW! You pay $42.24 for one of our gallons Tricia! I would buy a bike if I were you.
-- (sonofdust@figgered.itout), June 04, 2001.
Nope, nope, nope. A liter is a little more than a quart. Four quarts = one gallon. Therefore... Tricia is paying appoximately $2.22 American for a gallon of gas. (I think.) I'm sure the evil Alexander Lawless Cook will correct me if I'm wrong. ;-)
-- Gayla (, June 04, 2001.
Here in NW IL, the gas is anywhere from about 1.52 to 1.78. Go figger. Depends on how near the station is to one of the lower- priced ones. Same brand might vary 15 cents between stations. In the last few weeks the prices have been inching down. 'Course, when the price goes up, it jumps in 10-15 cent increments.Gene
-- Gene (, June 04, 2001.
Yeah, I noticed prices creeping up here in Jersey all this past month. I paid $1.76 here at the shore for REGULAR..and that's insane. I remember during THE gas shortage (was it 1981?)..gas was that high and people were outraged. Where is the outrage now?
-- kritter (, June 05, 2001.
Okay, okay.....the gas isn't inliterates anymore down here .... it's is the tank, unless it's leaked out. (Then it's not in, which is not a good thing...., but I digrass - which IS what happens if gas spill on grass.)I didn't realize that you where disgusting the price of gas.....down here, in US-type decimal dollars, rather than Canadianianainaianianinian-metric type dolaars (which seems to include schillings, pounds, quarters, and pieces-of-eight....) we pay about 1.45 for regular, up to 1.65 for premium.
Now, the Canadianianainainainainainain prices will be factored about 1.25 times that price if the guys up north are paying in them-type dollars, but that's because all that Calgarian oil is flowing, south.
Yah forgot up there
-- Robert A. Cook, PE (Marietta, GA) (, June 05, 2001.
But boy, that's a lot of litters per week .......
-- Robert A. Cook, PE (Marietta, GA) (, June 05, 2001.
gasoline, smasholine! Alls I know is that the blood bank over at Gran Chenier is givin' 10 bucks for a quart of grade A red. I been gettin' by for a couple a months by sellin' about a quart a week, but it's gettin' harder to come by, now. I may even have to sell 'em some of my OWN!NYA-HA-HA
-- Lon Frankenstien (, June 05, 2001.
Okaaaaaay. US$.66 = C$1; US1gal=4L. C$.88=1L (Or .76 for reg) so $C3.52=4L=1gal. 3.52C = 3.52(.66)US We are paying approximately US$2.35/gal of premium.This is an insult. There are 'donkeys' pumping oil up from the ground within about 5 miles of our house and a refinery on the other end of the city - about 12 miles away. And we're paying more for the goo than folk in NJ??? Definitely not fair. :-(
-- Tricia the Canuck (, June 06, 2001.
Grade A red ....Only liquid worth that much coming in red is either squished, decayed and fermented grape juice; Big Red; or beet juice.
-- Robert A. Cook, PE (Marietta, GA) (, June 06, 2001.
I LOVE diet Big Red. Did you know those uncivilized Yankees don't even CARRY Big Red? Not even in Missouri! Hmmmph! ;-)
-- Gayla (, June 06, 2001.
Gayla, I never even knew what a "Big Red" was, til I moved to Texas! Nope, don't have it up where I'm from.Purty good stuff. . .
-- Brooke (, June 06, 2001.
Brooke, I didn't realize for a long time that it has caffeine in it. Probably one of the reasons I like it so well! LOLTricia, a gallon is equal to 3.8 liters. That is what I calculated instead of 4 liters. It gives you a LITTLE bit of a price break. ;-)
-- Gayla (, June 06, 2001.
Well, the exchange rate is .65582, not .66, so the actual amount we pay is likely somewhere between 2.22 and 2.35. It's still unfair :-("It's my party and I'll 'whine' if I want to..." ;-) (See Robert, I did understand your allusion).
-- Tricia the Canuck (, June 06, 2001.
Adding a "cheesy" grin to that "whine" ....8<)
-- Robert A. Cook, PE (Marietta, GA) (, June 07, 2001.
As of now, the cheapest gas in the neighborhood is 1.48/US gallon. Looks like increases are in the future according to the price of crude.Now, since the shortage of '70-something was mentioned, I recall (somewhat dimly) that stations were running out of gas. It wasn't just a price thing, they couldn't get enough gas to meet their demand. So far, I haven't seen a single station turning anyone away because they were out of gas. So I assume they have at least solved the running out problem.
-- Gene (, June 08, 2001.
Yes... They have solved the "running out" problem for gas station attendents....See, used to be, the gas station attendent ran out from the station to "attend" to the gas station "attendee", who would then often also receive a little trinket of glass or plastic in thanks for attending the station. This process can be verified by watching black and white TV gas station commercials showing the gas attendents attending to the gas station attendee's gas and cars.
Now, the "gas station attendees" runs INTO the station (which HAS remained stationary all this time) and gives money, or a little piece of plastic (or their first-born son....or other things of value) to the "gas station attendent" who is watching black and white TV pictures of the gas station attendees attend to their own cars.....
-- Robert A. Cook, PE (Marietta, GA) (, June 08, 2001.
Central Texas gas price update. . .Saw several places selling regular for $1.41 this morning in Waco. Of course, I had filled the tank the day before. Still topped it off, though . . .
-- Brooke (, June 08, 2001.
Around here in South-West Jersey about 15 minutes from Philadelphia the gas prices are about $1.23 - $1.30 for Regular Unleaded. A while back when the prices were getting low again they went down to about $0.98 at some stations.
-- (, April 23, 2002.
Gas Price UpdateHere where I am, deep in the Woods of Joisey, a gallon of unleaded regular is now $1.71. If you drive around a bit you could probably save a nickle. So I thought I'd revive this thread and see what youz guyz are shelling out.
-- (sonofdust@herewego.again), March 14, 2004.
Predictions are for more than a dollar a litre this summer. A litre is approximately a quart. Of course, that's Canuckian dollars too :-) Right now, it's at about 75 cents/litre. (About 56 cents US - so about 2.24/gallon, I guess)
-- Tricia the Canuck (, March 14, 2004.
Last time I filled anything up here on the Gulf Coast, I paid about 1.47 at Wally, with the 3 cent discount for being in the Mickey Mouse Club (over Redneck's objections). This was a week or so ago. Things are higher for T the C and in Europe and Oz and elsewhere due to our fantastic national bias against our homegrown big oil (coupled with our fantastic national spoiled-kid culture that demands that the government intervene when gasoline prices rise). This is a strange situation. Americans won't pay high prices for gas because they are cheap and don't like big oil anyway, so the oil companies don't get to build that new facility on the West Coast (yeah, right!) to handle all that new Alaskan product (yeah, right!), so construction workers get laid off, etc, etc. (Now, before anybody pulls the Exxon-Mobil quarterly report on me, please understand that I'm not saying that they don't make any money, only that they make less than if allowed to sell their product here for what it brings elsewhere. Kind of like pharmaceuticals in reverse.)This combines to keep us exporting profits and hard currency to our friends, the Arabs, Vens, et al. But We can still buy a Diamler-Chrysler to burn it in and keep those profits, if there are any, at home, er, in Europe, er...Aw, forget it. I think I'll go have a caffeine-free Dr Pepper.Which reminds me. Anybody been to that Dr Pepper museum in Waco? Was it cool?
-- J (, March 15, 2004.
A GALLON???!!! Who can afford to buy a whole gallon? I usually just get an empty Jim Bean bottle filled up and use it in the one-an-a-half horsepower kicker on the fishing boat. Still costs more'n two days worth of stink bait.An' J, just you quit raggin' on Mobil-Exxon. My fishin' buddy worked for 'em for 40 years, and only got a little case of lung cancer, an' when he retired they GAVE him a bran' new red Mobil hat. It didn't have Exxon on it, I think, because it was left-over from before they got all merged up. Still a good hat, though. Almost as good at catchin' fish as them hot-damn Krispy Kreme hats. But not quite.
-- Lon Frankenstien (cheap&evil@the.bayou), March 15, 2004.
Thas hot-now, yew nut. An I done learn't not to pick up no Jim Beam bottles to see whut's in 'em any more. Yew'd be supprized whut some folk'll do with 'em. Careful yew don't mess up yer motor, Frankie.But yore post re-mines me o a time back in mah misspent, pre-tee- totalin youth when a fren o mine came aroun' one night waggin' a half- gallon bottle o good Scotch whiskey. He was a hippie-biker sorta guy. I know that souns like a rare combo, kinda like the guys in camo an pony tails you see at thuh gun shows. Maybe he was a pro-to- type or somethin. Anyway, I says whatcha gonna do with that jug? Thuh thaing had a handle on it even. I din even no they put good whiskey containers that big. An he says I'm gonna make some friens. He did, too. We walked inta thuh Hollywood Club on Abrams Rd in Gran Prairie- -yew no, kind of south o thuh GM Plant; I wonder ifn that place is still there--an he walks right down front and plunks the hooch in thuh middle o thuh table. Well, sir, thuh band just quit in mid-song an took a break. Thuh geetahr player most strangled hissef tryinta untangle from his gear. I bet you coulda made some friens in that place with a Jim Beam bottle o unleaded anytime after midnight.
-- Redneck (J&R@notJ&B.nomore), March 15, 2004.
Y'all need a mule.
-- helen (, March 16, 2004.
Fuel here is about $0.90 a litre and I'm sorry I am too tired, lazy, unedicated to work that out in gallons and $US. Somebody do it for me pleeez.Harking back to Robert's 2001 post about Service Station Attendants and the lack of actual "service", they are now called "Console Operators". They get paid to stay in the warm, dry servo while arthritic old ladies have to get out and pump their own fuel. They are not allowed to go out and help because they can't leave the till unattended. You never know it might run away or something.
The latest thing in the city, is that you have to pay before they turn the pumps on in order to stop drive-offs. Makes it a tad difficult if you want to fill-her-up for the trip home because you don't know how much it's going to take. Ah progress.
-- Carol (, March 17, 2004.
I've just re-read my post and am worried you might think I'm complaining about having to serve myself. No I'm not the arthritic old lady (yet), but I used to be the console operator. I found it incredibly hard to watch tiny little 80+yr old ladies having to deal with the pumps. Sometimes if there were no other customers around I locked the till and went out and helped which is a major no-no, so I gave up the job.
-- Carol (, March 18, 2004.
Thanks for the responses everyone. Well now I know how much money gas is in Oz and Canuckland. Looks like it's a bit more down under than up over, and least in litres.Is there anyone here is the good ol' U. S. of A. that can also post how much it is where you are?
-- Rob (sonofdust@in.NewJersey), March 18, 2004.
*waving to Rob as I 'fly' through*In Texas, Oklahoma and Missouri, it's averaging $1.59 a gallon for regular unleaded. I'll let you know about other states as I travel around.
-- Gayla (, March 19, 2004.
Don't know about anywhere else, but a galloon here is right at four quarts.
-- Robert & Jean (getingwarmer@ga.inthespring), March 21, 2004.
You're talking about something different, Good Sir.We have galloons here too. We use them at Birthday parties. Fill 'em up with helium (or air) and they rise to the ceiling. Nice bright colors too. In this part of the country you can get a whole party pack of galloons for only $1.99 or so. And then there is the galloon song, you know..."Wouldn't you like to ride in my beatuiful Galloon..."
On a less serious note, my assignment will be over in one month!!!!
-- (sonofdust@needslots.ofrest), March 21, 2004.
Rob, wasn't that "would" you like to ride in my beautiful galoon? Which reminds me, Redneck used to think he had a hippie girlfriend. Anybody besides Redneck, of course, would have questioned that interpretation of the relationship. But, anyway, he told me once that some hippies must have been from the South, because there were too many of them to have all come from around that streetcorner in San Francisco. Also he noticed that line in the song about the Age of Aquarius that talks about "hominy and understanding." His reasoning, like his crush on the hippie girl, floated about like a lead galloon. I mean an unleaded galloon. I mean...well, you know what I mean.
-- J (J&R@thosewerethe.days), March 22, 2004.
Average price in Southern Arizona is roughly $1.82/gal for regular unleaded. Costco is usually ten cents less/gallon. Of course they sell their legal allotment by about mid-month, and then have to close the pumps until the first of the following month. It's happened here for the last two months!
-- Aunt Bee (, March 22, 2004.
Their legal allotment? Is Arizona rationing gas, Beeperson?
-- J (, March 23, 2004.
How about "nein und neinzig (99) Luft Galloons? Remember that one?Hiya Aunt Bee.
-- Carol (, March 25, 2004.
Hmmm, interesting question J, but no, I don't think it's being rationed...course now can't I say for sure ya understand, but I know it's real real real hot down there in Arazona and figure that the gas'll evaporate if'n they don't sell it right quick. Sound reasonable?LOL, Carol. BTW do down-under galloons float up-over?
Far as gas prices here, they seem to be stuck at about 1.71 or so. Too high for me...I'm looking into getting a Rickshaw.
-- (, March 25, 2004.
Do the cowbys down in Oz around wearin' a ten-galloon hat over top their down-unders?
-- Robert & Jean (getingwarmer@ga.inthespring), March 28, 2004.
No Robert, we don't have cowboys down here. We have jackaroo's who jackaround in Akubra hats.
-- Carol (, March 29, 2004.
Them Jackaroo's they ride anything like a cantaloupe?Or was that a jackloupe I'm a thinkin' of?
-- Robert & Jean (getingwarmer@ga.inthespring), March 29, 2004.
They have been known to ride a cameloupe.
-- Carol (, March 31, 2004.
Daylight Saving Time Alert!
-- Robert & Jean (getingwarmer@ga.inthespring), April 04, 2004.
Alert is not what I'd call it ...
-- helen (, April 05, 2004.
Who is lert why isn't he awake yet?Then again, if he is a wake, why is he behind Lon boat?
-- Robert & Jean (getingwarmer@ga.inthespring), April 07, 2004.
Well here we go again. The price of a gaallluuuun has wretched another all-time high. Stations 'round here are charging $2.05 now for premium. Regular is up to about 184 or so.I saw an article this morning saying the National Average reached a new high of $1.94 (I think that's for regular but it didn't say)
-- (sonofdust@gas.prices), May 11, 2004.
Cheapest gas in these parts is at Costco. Yesterday, it was $1.97 for regular and $2.06 for premium. Other places it is 10-23 cents more.
-- Aunt Bee (, May 16, 2004.
Unleaded petrol is nudging $1 a litre here. Today I paid $0.99lt less $0.04 a litre off with shoppers discount. I think there is 3.8lt in a gallon so that's Aus$3.61 a gallon with the discount. Yikes. Lucky I don't go very far.
-- Carol (, May 19, 2004.
1.91 for regular.
-- Robert & Jean (getingwarmer@ga.inthespring), May 20, 2004.
I was talking to someone in New Brunswick (sp?) up by Nova Scotia and she said it was around 1.04 a litre there (Canadian) so it looks like it's about the same there as where you are,Carol.Here in NJ it's going up almost daily. Regular is mostly 1.95 and up now, with one station having it at 2.19 a gallon. There are lines at the 'cheaper' stations and people are starting to act badly, pulling in the wrong way to face the pumps and stuff.
Back in the seventies we had gas lines too, only a lot worse. People got out of hand and violent. Locks on gas caps were born, and you could only get 5 gallons at a time, every other day depending on the odd/even system and your plate number. Hope that never happens again.
-- (sonofdust@gas.prices), May 21, 2004.