Ducklings and bedding : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

For my duckling brooder pen I'm planning on using peat moss covered by straw or wood chips. Can I use the cedar wood chips that they sell for pet bedding? Is it safe for them? Does anyone know of cheaper source? Where could I look? Thanks!

-- Denise (, June 05, 2001


You can usually get a great big bag of pine shavings at the feed stores for around $5. If you haven't raised ducks before, be prepared for them to be quite messy. (They love water and splash it everywhere). We just put a plastic tray, couple inches deep(meant for seedlings) under the waterers to save the shavings from all those splashes. So far so good. (I always hear that cedar chips are a no- no, but can't say why)

-- mary, in colorado (, June 05, 2001.

I have always heard that cedar is toxic and I would not use it around any animals including my dogs. It actually is not even safe for dogs but they still sell it to the unsuspecting public. Pine shavings would be a better choice.

-- Colleen (, June 06, 2001.

Colleen - can you give a source about the dangers of cedar? I'd never heard about that & have been using it to keep the bug population down, even tho I'm mildly allergic to it. I want to keep my chicks & ducks healthy, so any info would be gratefully received. Thanks!

-- Bonnie (, June 07, 2001.

I had one of my babies almost die from choking on wood chips. I would either use straw or some other type of bedding.

-- Peggy (, August 08, 2001.

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