90/2 M apo asphgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread |
Hi guys! Have you ever proved the new 90 M Apoasph? Any suggestion? Last time a strange red flare over some shots!!! It depends on the quality of the laboratory which developped the film? Tell me yes! Please! Actualy I was in a third world country, and so... am I right? I shot same picts at the "royal" weddinf of my nephew, but I could non see them 'couse I left for another destination (at the moment it is not possible for me to prove the lens), but they told me the picts were simple astonishing. Let's hope they are right. It woul be a bit embarassing for my wallet, not for me, to have spent such a lot of many for a glass if it were not so magic. Please help me in my quite deep and inevitable depression. Thanks.
-- joseph pelizza (breglumasi@hotmail.com), June 06, 2001
"Red flare" sounds like a possible light leak. Did this flare end about 3mm from the edge of the negative, in a straight edge that follows the edge of the frame? If so, it's from changing your lens in bright sunlight.
-- Michael Darnton (mdarnton@hotmail.com), June 06, 2001.
Joseph:I have a 90 SAA, and have found it to be virtually flare-proof! The red flare might also be from the airport X-Ray machine. I have had this happen before on a couple of occasions where I stupidly believed the sign that said "film safe". The offending marks were irregular orange streaks that only affected about five frames on the entire roll.
-- Jack Flesher (jbflesher@msn.com), June 06, 2001.
You can be absolutely sure it won't be your lens.
-- sam smith (ssmith@hotmail.com), June 06, 2001.