Doelings and hot wire : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Hey CountrySiders! Cosmic Country Girl is back and with a bran-new question for you! Okay,here goes. We're putting a doeling pen inside our regular adult goat pen and we're running a hot wire to keep the big goats out of the doeling pen. We have one hot wire run across the top of the main pen and it can send those adult goats running. :-) Will it be safe for the doelings if they get zapped? Or will it be too strong for them to handle? Thanks for any help! :-)

-- Cosmic Country Girl (, June 07, 2001


Welcome back. Several chargers blowen across the barn from lightening, ago :) we used to use electrical. Even with the powerful weed chopper one I had it never harmed a goat, kid or adult. Though when challenged by bucks it would burn lines across their nose. It did however kill birds by them sitting on the wire then touching a wing to the fence. It also killed a hen. Most goats are born larger than some full size mini-dogs, so a pet charger in the infant kid pen would be about the same. Goats are really smart anyway and it wouldn't take many zaps before they get the idea. Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh TX (, June 07, 2001.

We have a big honkin powerful solar charger that makes me cry when I touch it, but it has never hurt a baby goat, and they have touched it. When the wire is touching something metal, you can hear it popping along way away. Hi Country Girl!

-- Cindy in KY (, June 07, 2001.

Welcome back!!! Our "little girls" usually only touch it once and learn. Never had it "hurt" them but they sure told me all about it!!!

-- diane (, June 07, 2001.

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