Signs of pregnancy (Goats/Dairy) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I had two nigerian dwarf does bred for a late June/early July delivery. One is obviously pregnant with udder really developing and nicely filled out. Two weeks ago I would have bet the other was settled too, she seemed to be filling out and starting an udder. However, she did not progress from there, is not showing any further udder development or weight gain. She has always been a slender doe and this was her first breeding, she's a year and half old. What do you make of this? The stud owner told me some of her does hardly show anything right up until time of delivery. But since this doe would be due within three weeks shouldn't I being seeing more? Thanks!

-- D Lynn Black (, June 08, 2001


Response to Signs of pregnancy

She's probably just carrying a single. Since it's her first breeding, she may not develop anymore until she delivers. My doeling this spring developed a little, then stopped until the actual time came. Then, the udder filled up and she delivered within 12 hours.

-- melina b. (, June 08, 2001.

My first fresheners are mostly just like melinda day nothing, but then the udder fills, and delivery in about 12 hours.

-- diane (, June 09, 2001.

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