Midwest Oberhasli or LaMancha breeders??greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Anyone know Oberhasli or LaMancha milk goat breeders in Kansas or the Midwest?? I havn't had much luck on the computer today.
-- Marty (Mrs.Puck@Excite.com), June 08, 2001
Hi, Marty, My ADGA membership directory lists 104 members in Kansas, and 92 Junior members (lots of times regular members who put it in their kids' name to save $7.50 a year--go figure!) If you can narrow it down to a few towns names that are close to you, I'll send you some names. Kathie p.s. Of the 2, I really recommend LaManchas.
-- Kathie in Western Washington (twinrosefarm@worldnet.att.net), June 09, 2001.