Digital Printing From 6x7 : LUSENET : Pentax 67 SLR : One Thread |
After many years of having my lab print slides using Ilfochrome, they have stopped using it. So, I tried digital printing with them to see how it compared. As far as sharpness is concerned, Ilfochrome was slightly better. The contrast problems and the need for contrast masks with Ilfochrome are gone with digital. Color rendition between the two printing types is similar. My overall impression is that I still prefer Ilfochrome over digital. I know this conflicts with what I've heard but this is my experience with it. SR
-- Steve Rasmussen (, June 09, 2001
Cowan, I am having them done by a pro lab. Don't know what equipment they are using. I've had two prints made so far and both were 16 x 20 inch size.
-- Steve Rasmussen (, June 16, 2001.
Steve, how are you getting your digital prints done? Are you having them done by a service bureau on a Lightjet, or getting scans done and printing them out yourself? I've been getting drum scans of my 6x7's and 4x5 done and printing them out on an Epson 2000P and they're great. I'm also experimenting with Color Peizography on a 1200. Larger than 12x16, I get Lightjet prints done. Are they 'better' than Ilfochromes? Maybe, maybe not, but I have sooo much more control over the final output.
-- Cowan Stark (, June 15, 2001.
I use Calypso for Lightjet prints. They produce prints for Galen Rowell, Frans Lanting, Bill Atkinson an other pros so I felt pretty confident using them. They drum-scan the slide or negative (and can provide the scan on a CD for an extra fee). The prints are outstanding. They can match color with the original or you can ask them to apply whatever correction is necessary.
-- Guy Tal (, July 03, 2001.