using clay pots to bake : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I'm really getting into baking my own bread. Even the 'failures' taste better than store bought. Anyone try baking bread in clay pots, or the pot liners? I read that they can be 'seasoned'and will replicate a tile lined oven. Also, do you add gluten flour to your recipes, or just stick w. flour, salt, yeast, etc.?
-- stef (, June 09, 2001
Go to:
-- TomK (, June 10, 2001.
Stef My kids gave me some clay pots a few years ago and I use them a lot when cooking inside. I have smallers ones and the standard size I really like them although cast iron my favorite. Just soak them in warm water about 1 hour before putting dough in and oil good, bread will rise quicker. Coaltrain
-- coaltrain (, June 10, 2001.