New M camera? : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I was browsing at the newsagency today and picked up a copy of "Pro Photo" (Australia), in the news section it discussed that Leica in 2002 will release a new R camera (but no autofocus) and a new M camera to rival the Hexar!!!! Anyone else with more information regarding this? I hear that the M6 will continue alongside the new M as well.

-- Tommy Chung (, June 10, 2001


Here we go round the mulberry bush...

-- rob (, June 10, 2001.

The introduction of a totally new M camera from Leica has been talked about evey year for more than decade. Obviously, one of these days it will actually be a true rumor, but I'm afraid most Leica users have been affected by the "boy who cried Wolf" syndrome at this point.

-- Andrew Schank (, June 10, 2001.

While we're at it, I might as well add that there've been persistent rumours about Minolta re-introducing the CLE, and the rumour was kept alive by an article published recently in a Japanese photo magazine . . .

-- Hoyin Lee (, June 10, 2001.

Sure seems like an upgraded CLE almost couldn't miss being a hit if it was done and priced right. In case Minolta is ease dropping, Same basic camera with a better on/off switch, balanced TTL fill flash, spot/average meter (optional), with AE lock and of course metering when using the speeds manually. Built in motor not needed-but a compact add on one would be nice. I'm even fine with 28, 40, and 90 lines, but how about a solid box for the 90 instead of corners only. One last thing--please offer the body only as well as some kind of a kit.

-- Andrew Schank (, June 10, 2001.

28,40, & 90 wouldn't be enough to induce me to buy one. I would need the 35 & 50 as well (But no 135). (In case you're with us, Minolta.)

-- Bob Fleischman (, June 10, 2001.


Doesn't the Hexar fill this slot pretty well now? Yeah, it is wider than the CLE, but it is also shorter... yet it has the motor, but no manual advance capability... Also, I agree with you big time on the body-by-itself concept!

-- Jack Flesher (, June 10, 2001.

For some reason I haven't been that exited about the Hexar. Of course, I checked it out like any self respecting Leica owner would. It does have a nice feel to it and a lot of nice features, and is a bargain compared to the M6.

It could be its size--it feels a lot bigger than the CLE in my hands, and also seems a lot heavier. I also wasn't blown away by the finder image either, (it didn't help that the two examples in stock at the store were out of allignment from the factory)and I wished they'd have left the built in winder on the drawing board. If I got one as a present, however, I wouldn't be terribly disapointed mind you. I have no practical use for another camera of course, already having a few more than I need for the level of photography I am currently involved in. I just mentioned the CLE because I would consider selling my original CLE if an upgraded and affordable modern replacement came out.

-- Andrew Schank (, June 10, 2001.

Sure we went round the mulberry bush ... again. Anyhow, I wouldn't be interested in anything new save a newly manufactured M3 with a metal shutter, a faster top speed than 1/1000 and, of course, an affordable price. In view of the scarce possiblities for my dreams to come true I'll keep my old M3s clicking in the mean time. Cheers - Iván

-- Ivan Barrientos (, June 10, 2001.

A new M6E with auto/manual switchability sounds good and I would probably buy one, but what I am really looking forward to is the new Cosina RM(?). I am hoping Cosina can pull off a lightweight, AE, manual film advance, CL sized body with a killer .72 viewfinder.

-- Bob (, June 10, 2001.

I wouldn't hold my breath. Cosina has only two platforms on which they build a whole slough of cameras: the manual (which currently supports the Olympus OM-2000, Ricoh KR-1, a Vivitar model, the Nikon FM10, and all the Bessas) and an AE (the Nikon FE-10 and I'm not sure which other brand). The FE-10 has an electronic shutter, but X-sync is 1/90. It's also unlikely they'll put more money into a new finder or add a frameline selector mechanism to the Bessa for M mount. It will probably be the Bessa-R with an M mount, if anything at all. I don't know why the Bessa-T even exists, but Cosina isn't likely to sell many of them if there's an M-mount Bessa-R available.

-- Jay (, June 10, 2001.


" I am hoping Cosina can pull off a lightweight, AE, manual film advance, CL sized body with a killer .72 viewfinder."

This is fantasy! Mind you we can all dream...Any CL sized camera by definition cannot have a killer (by which I assume you mean M6 like) viewfinder, the camera will just be too small to achieve the r/f separation required.

I too think that the most likely Cosina development is just the current Bessa-R with an M mount and maybe some aesthetic differences to distinguish the two. Too many exciting modxels and they cut their own throats. I wonder how they are doing, sales wise?

As for the Leica/CLE rumors - these things get started every six months or so.

-- Robin Smith (, June 11, 2001.

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