CA - But Tacos are cheaper - Taco Bell Drops Energy Surcharge After Complaints : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread

Taco Bell Drops Energy Surcharge After Complaints (KFWB) -- The first major restaurant chain to add an energy fee to customer's bills this year dropped the surcharge after two days. Taco Bell says it received so many complaints, it just wasn't worth it.

A spokeswoman for the fast food chain says adding 10 to 15 cents to customers' tabs at some Southland outlets was meant to offset higher electric bills. The charge was only added at some restaurants that had increased energy costs. It is not known how many outlets issued the charge.

Efforts by other industries to tack on extra energy charges have also been met with resistance. A dispute over a hotel energy charge even resulted in a lawsuit. Rates have been on the rise since last summer.

-- PHO (, June 12, 2001

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