How long do goats live? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I was wondering if anyone could tell me what the average life span of a goat is. I have four and have had them for several years and was just wondering how long I could expect to enjoy their company. Also, can anyone tell me if a 7 year old Togg doe is too old to be mating this fall--she has had kids twice (one the first time and two the second), but it has been three years since we mated her. I wouldn't want to do anything to wear her down, she's part of the family. Thanks for any advice or info you can offer. Sharon

-- Sharon (, June 12, 2001


Goats can live to nice ripe old ages and up to 16+ yrs. The average is about 12 or so. I know a Alpine breeder whose doe kidded at 12 with quads and is stil going strong at 15. As they age you need to be more aware of health issues and be on top of things with upkeep and health maintance. As for breeding your togg, if she is fine and healthy she will do ok. How were her last kiddings? if complications existed then watch her close. Good luck.


-- Bernice (, June 13, 2001.

We have had our Nubian goats live to about 14 years old. By then they were not really in great health and we didn't bred the last couple of years either. Guess if they are healty and still have the "urge' for the buck, why not !! We have also put down some of our older goats out of kindness when they were not healthy and enjoying life. Sure hope someone helps me along the way when it is my time.

-- Helena Di Maio (, June 15, 2001.

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