what makes a good b&w pic from color negs?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread

hello, just took a trip and wanted to try getting some of my color negs developed as b&w prints. how should i choose which ones to develop in b&w (i.e. what should i look for in the color print that might indicate it will make a good b&w shot?)? also, i can't develop myself, so what should i ask a lab to do? thanks! yolanda miller

-- yolanda miller (jimandyo@yahoo.com), June 13, 2001


I would say that it depends on what your definition of "good" is, best to check different labs for samples to look at. For me, there is no such animal as a good b/w print from a color neg.

-- mark lindsey (lindseygraves@msn.com), June 13, 2001.

Most labs (professional) will use Ilford MG paper which in itself does a fairly good job but there is no "good" substitute for real B/W film. If you plan on this again, get a chromogenic film. Ilford XP2 Super or Kodak's T400CN... I do prefer Ilford but that is personal.

-- Scott Walton (f64sw@hotmail.com), June 14, 2001.

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