A little Brown Eyed "ball of energy".

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

His big brown eyes are always "laughin" when we see him. Tickled to see us and we--him. Startin to grow tall, gettin slimmer as he sprouts like a little beanpole. Six years old and already has big feet and startin to get big hands.

I remember when he was born and how he was such a cute little guy that really liked bein held and hugged. Walkin around the house while hold'n him up closer to the ceiling just so he could have a "look see" at the ceiling fan. He'd touch it when it was off and really giggle, still those little brown eyes all excited and happy. I also remember his love for music when he was little. His daddy is a guitar player and it kinda passed down to this little dude too, I guess. He now has his own little electric guitar which he plays at sometimes. Still he would rather play those DRUMS!

When he was about a year old, I guess, walkin and talkin like any "normal" child of that age--he started gettin the series of shots that young'ns are required to get. Still happy, chubby and always into something that interested him. Then--the day arrived shortly after those shots--he lost his speech! Into his own little world with very little interest for surrounding, toys and even ceiling fans! He still recognized people--those same people who just thought the entire world of him-but no speech, very little interaction. He'd hug back when hugged but not too much initiated on his own. Doctors everywhere, it seemed, had a look at'm. AUTISM! We were all devestated!

He's now six years old, in a special school, and is doin real good. He isn't up to where he should be but we anticipate him to be in about 2 years. He now talks some, interacts and does almost all the things a child of 6 years old will do--with a few exceptions. Oh, he still has that dreaded "autism", and always will--unless Almighty God takes it away, but at times you sure can't tell it. At other times--well, let's say he has some bad days yet. Hugs, kisses and eyes that really light up when he sees Gam ma and pa pa. He is our precious little grandson and NOBODY can ever change that fact. We love him with all our old sad hearts--and nothing can ever change that either. He still has a way to go but we're certainly not gonna give up on him!! Yes, he is our first grandchild. We do have a little granddaughter born about 2 years after Steve. She's a little redheaded doll and we're really thankful for her too--however--if Steve wanted anything Lil Dumplin and I would try our very best to get it for him. He's the apple of our eyes and will always be-course-that little red headed granddaughter is too! Thank you Lord for Steve and Maddie! Matt.24:44

-- hoot (hoot@pcinetwork.com), June 13, 2001


I just read an article, I think it was in Acres USA, about how the immunizations that are being given to children are causing autism. It is always tragic enough when something like this happens to a child but when it could have been prevented if only you had known it is especially tragic. I have been sharing the info in that article with everyone I know who has a young baby. They have long suspected immunizations as causing problems in dogs and now they are starting to admit that they are causing all sorts of problems in people as well.

This is one of the reasons that I try to avoid taking any medications, I don't drink chlorinated or floridated water and try to avoid as many chemicals and genetic engineering that I can in my food.

Science can be wonderful but I think the producers of some chemicals are covering up the things that their products are doing to us so they can keep making money.

I'm sorry that your grandson is paying the price for their greed.

-- Colleen (pyramidgreatdanes@erols.com), June 13, 2001.

Whew. I kind of don't want to say a word, but I feel a bit compelled. Mostly this: I'm sorry that your grandson has this burden to bear. But... there is nothing conclusive on the connection between vaccinations and sensory integration disorders (autism being an extreme). Folks need to realize that the onset of autism generally falls at about the same time as innoculations. That does not necessarily mean one precipitated the other. I'm not saying you're wrong, mind you. Just that we're not sure yet. What is certain is that our kids are not suffering and dying of the kinds of diseases that wiped out a significant portion of them in the not-so- distant past. It's a terribly personal decision people have to make, and I hope they'll do it from as informed a perspective as possible.

-- witness (carlaevans@hotmail.com), June 13, 2001.

Dear Hoot, Thank you for sharing that with us. I smiled when I read that your grandchildren call you Pa Pa. That's what my children called my daddy. He's been gone for 15 years and we still miss him so.

Wishing you enough.

-- Dianne in Mass (dianne.bone@usa.net), June 13, 2001.

Witness! You're correct. If you notice I didn't accuse or point a finger at the shots in Steve's case. The timing of the disease just happened to coenside with the shots he'd received. I did see on C- Span about a month ago that some cases of Autism are caused by the mercury in those shots. {Dan Burton from Indiana was testifing ] Steve has been checked and it was not the cause of autism in him. Great strides have been made and are being made each day for this terrible disease. Other diseases can and are just as bad as autism and should be addressed most vigoriously to find a cure and/or treatment. I too, thought for a long time before posting this for fear that I wouldn't do justice to all those precious little folks that are diagnosed with autism. I hope that I didn't bring any harm to them or their parents. I've seen what the parents go through and it takes a really special person/s to care for these little guys. I've seen Steve's mom and how she handles all the extra care that he requires. His dad amazes me too--! The calm that parents have to demonstrate has to outshadow every other adverse aspect of the disease. My hat is off to all parents of any child with a disabling condition. Matt.24:44

-- hoot (hoot@pcinetwork.com), June 13, 2001.

Hoot, I can tell just how much this child means to you and you must know how important you are in his life also. I read a story this very morning out of Washington titled "Autistic teen is valedictorian" out of 141 graduating seniors at Cardozo Senior High School. The other students gave him a standing ovation after his speech. He is 19. Our 11 year old grandchild is deaf and has very limited eye sight plus some other physical problems, however, she is a 4. student and loves the farm and animals. They seem very gentle around her as if they know. This situation has brought our whole extended family even closer together and we all just love her for who she is, quite a gal. Maureen in Alaska at Ravens Roost Farm

-- Maureen Stevenson (maureen@mtaonline.net), June 14, 2001.

So sorry to hear about this burden you and your family have. I have a red-haired 3 year old son who is our pride and joy. Just remember Hoot & Lil Dumplin, that the Lord has a reason for this. You may not understand it, but He has a specific reason for this. At least he is with a God fearing family that loves him despite his "handicap". The Lord doesn't give you a burden you can't handle. Once the Lord has come and taken His followers, maybe then you will find out the reason why God chose your grandson to be SPECIAL. You and your family will be in my prayers. God bless you . . . . again . . . since he has already blessed you and Lil Dumplin with Steve & Maddie!

-- Michael W. Smith in North-West Pennsylvania (kirklbb@penn.com), June 17, 2001.

Hi Hoot, maybe your still not on here after a half a year, but I still wanted to write. I emphasize with you Hoot. My 16 year old son is autistic too. I know what it's like to lose them. Only, I'm starting to get my son back slowly now. It's a hard thing to go through,and takes a great deal of faith. Which I have. My son was a happy normal acting kid til he had his shots. It didn't happen all at once. Gradually, and he never did get as bad as he could have. But, he is sure not the same smiley, curious kid he once was. I'm sorry Hoot. Diana Praise Jesus!

-- Diana (rock_hunter83@hotmail.com), December 31, 2001.

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