Red collars, traffic and SNAKES! : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

"What an ugly little pup--look at all that white fur"! "Yeah, looks like a little white furball"! "Lets tak'm home"! Well, with all that settled our youngest boy [then 8 yrs old in 1978] hopped out the truck and loaded this scraggly little pup in with'm. Both boys were kinda fuss'n and argue'n who'se dog it was and what his name would be. I guess my kids watched too much television--Dukes of Hazzard was a popular show on tv about that time. I wouldn't let'm watch the show because of the dress Miss Daisy wore--or the lack thereof! Still they had seen bits and pieces of the promo's shown advertisin the show. It was very apparent what the dog's name was after I had been a cop not long before this time. ROSCO was the name hung on that little scraggly white fur ball of a dog.

Turned out the pup had been dumped by a neighbor and with good reason he was "deposited" within reach of our farm. He just knew the pup would have a home nearby! He was right! I guess after awhile the new wore off and the kids found something else to occupy their time. I inheirited the dog. He grew up to be the scroungest dog around! Always dirty, cockleburrs in his fur and just unkept! Lil Dumplin gave him a bath once. As soon as ole Rosco was outta the water and dried--he immediately ran to the fresh disc'd field and had a dust bath! When we had had him about 6 months he was out snoop'n around in the weeds of the fencerow and was bitten in the eye by a big snake. He immediately went blind and had to have his eye removed at the vet. Cost?--$42.00! Best money I ever spent. From that day forward--snakes were the target! He'd digg'm outta the ditchbank to kill'm. Drag'm up to the front porch and lay'm there for our approval. We had'm about 12 years, a red flea collar and was always runn'n the contryside with another dog we'd acquired. Told'm to stay home or he'd end up dead! Wasn't too long after that--I was comin home on the highway north of our place about a mile. There was ole Rosco--from the Dredge Ditch bridge all the way to the Little Muddy river bridge---kinda strung out--red collar and all. Well, went ahead an picked'm up and took'm home. Burried'm out back--red collar and all. That ended the saga of "Rosco P. Coletrane" our snake kill'n dog. Two years later he was replaced by Jesse James. He met his demise about 5 years ago in a natural gas pipeline leak. I'm not lonesome tho. Still have Lil Dumplin's ole female cat--CALVIN! Matt.24:44

-- hoot (, June 14, 2001


It's great to see that you're back Hoot!!!!!

"My" dog that I grew up with was a heinz 57 variety mutt. I was 4 years old when I got him and he was a constant part of my life for the next 16 years. I cried like a baby when he finally died.

Now we have a Great Pyrenees that guards our homestead and she's just about the most lovable dog that there is. I don't think that our family would be complete with a dog as part of it.

God Bless


-- Jim T (, June 14, 2001.

Hoot How did the gas leak kill the dog?

There is a property available on our long list, that has a pipeline under it. It is supposed to be a new line, but I am still leary.

Glad you are checking in to the forum.

-- Rick K. (, June 14, 2001.

Rick! The dogs were out messin around and went onto a nighbors farm chasin an old momma possum and her little one. They were killed too. A high pressure gas line crosses his property and it had sprung a leak in the bottom of a dry creek bed. Rusted out somewhat I guess. The gas quickly overcome ole Jesse James and his little nephew-son- Frankie James. Killed'm instantly. I went down into that creekbed 4 days after the gas had been turned off. I almost didn't get out alive! The gas had just laid in that low place and was still a thick concentration-enough so that I most didn't get backup that hill!

They had just replaced parts of that gas line a year before. The only thing I have runnin across my farm is 2 crude oil pipelnes. They're doin a hydrostatic pressure test this week and next--checkin for leaks. It was already on the property when I acquired it--or it wouldn't be on here now! Matt.24:44

-- hoot (, June 14, 2001.

Hoot, what would we do without our furry friends! I love your stories and am so glad I could sit here with my cup of coffee and read your post! God bless!

-- Ardie from WI (, June 15, 2001.

Gas----laying low----- Does anyone know if I have my CO detector positioned way to high? It is at ceiling level in the basement!

-- Rick K (, June 15, 2001.

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