Q. about Schneider 210/370greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
Hi, I am going to pick up a Schneider 210/370 and was curious if this lens has filter threads, and if so, what size? I didnt find info on the converts on Scheiders site.Thanks!
-- William Grant (roooadtrip@aol.com), June 15, 2001
I've gone one with a serial number in the 11's. working my way down through all the step up rings I've got on it, it looks like the basic thread is 58mm.
-- Kevin Crisp (KRCrisp@aol.com), June 15, 2001.
Ditto to the previous post. I have a Symmar 210/370 (not the later Symmar-S) and it has a 58mm filter thread. Serial number also in the 11 xxx xxx range.
-- Bruce Pollock (pollock@telus.net), June 16, 2001.
Thank you very much, you saved me some guess work!!
-- James Christian (jcc928@aol.com), June 16, 2001.