Wardner recordings!!!!!!!!!! (Again!)greenspun.com : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread |
HiJust watched a Wardner recording by MondoMondillo and he has leeched for 2 lifes which is a banned on MARP!!
I'm sure that BBH remembers this little trick, and I remember is was agreed that a player could leech on 1 life only!!!
MondoMondillo in case u did not know the hi scores for Wardner used to be 9,999,990 by me and BBH........
Anyway, someone sort this out cause I am very tempted to upload a max ;-)
-- Game Guru (gameguru@cableinet.co.uk), June 16, 2001
yeah, i remember something like this, do you have a url where we stashed the wardner decision rules on board or marp?
-- Chad (churritz@cts.com), June 18, 2001.
You can search the message board using Google to find the (very small number of) pages where 'warnder' got a mention. Just go to www.google.com and search for the following:
site:www.greenspun.com "MAME Action Replay" wardnerHere are the threads it finds:
- Another banned technique vote(ABTV) - Wardner
- Comments on W recordings
- A question on the definition of points leeching
It won't find any recent postings, since google doesn't scan the board very often, but it will find the old stuff.
-- Chris Moore (chris.moore@mail.com), June 19, 2001.