Happy Fathers' Daygreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Wanted to congratulate the dads out there but I also want you to think about something. Almost 3 yrs. ago, my daughters lost their dad suddenly. If today was your last day to be with your children, how would they remember you when you are gone? Would they remember you as a man who always worked, one who was never home, maybe too grumpy and tired at night to even be confronted by your kids? OR - would they remember you as a loving man, a godly man, a dad who loves their mom, a man of example, one who enjoyed being with his family? These are just a few things to think about. Count yourself very fortunate that God has given you time with your family!! Create memories that will be cherished by those who love you. If things need to change, than do it NOW!! Don't waste another day and don't make any more excuses.
-- Pat (mikulptrc@aol.com), June 16, 2001
Hi Pat! I was one of the fortunate ones growing up who had a Dad that was all the best that you said and more. My Dad passed away May 29th this year and my Father-in-law, who was like a second Dad passed away May 1st. Talk about a rough month! But the unconditional love they both gave, will be with me always, on Fathers Day and every day thereafter. Here's to all the great Dads' out there and from us gals who appreciate you more than you'll ever know.
-- Annie (mistletoe@kconline.com), June 16, 2001.
My dad got custody of me in a divorce back in 1965!!!!This was unheard of then, and the greatest gift he ever gave to me. It's still rare now, and all you single dad's out there, my deep respect and appreciation. (mother's day was last month, single moms...)
-- marcee king (thathope@mwt.net), June 16, 2001.