May I throw a pity party? : LUSENET : FRL friends : One Thread

I heard a thud in the next room and found my mother-in-law sitting in a heap on the floor. Thankfully, she was not hurt but it got me to thinking. (I usually get in trouble when I think!)

My first thoughts after the thud were "poor me" ones; you know the kind--they hang around in the dim corridors of your mind and multiply while you're not looking. "Poor me", my mother-in-law is living with me (boy, do I feel like a heel listing that one!) "Poor me", I had to drive the kid car today and spend $400 on tires. "Poor me", I had nursery duty and 5 kids screamed all at the same time. At the top of their lungs. For an hour and a half. "Poor me", my pinched nerve hurts and my fingers are numb.

Then it hits me--my mother-in-law is a sweet woman who minds her own business and never interferes unless it is to give us something. She loves us all. My kids have their own car and they don't have to use mine. I had the $400 to spend. (I'm still searching for the good in the nursery duty-don't rush me!) My arm is getting better-now it's only two fingers numb instead of the whole hand and arm.

All of a sudden, the pity party gets turned around. I guess thinking is not such a bad idea after all. If only I could think of the positive first. Not a bad goal to strive for. Perhaps I can be the "Good Wife" after all! ;^)

The best guest to invite to a pity party is God!

-- LindaMc (, June 20, 2001


Thanks (((((Linda))))) I needed this today.

-- Gayla (, June 21, 2001.

For sure, the best way to stop a pity party is to count your blessings (even the 5 who screamed an hour and a half away in the nursery :-)

-- Tricia the Canuck (, June 21, 2001.

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