signs that your cat is too fat : LUSENET : FRL friends : One Thread

Got this in the email. Knew immediately that it was meant to be posed here:

Signs That Your Cat is too Fat

* Cat door retro-fitted with garage door opener.

* Confused guests constantly mistaking him for a beanbag chair.

* Always lands on her spleen.

* Fifteen month gestation period, and still no kittens.

* No longer cleans self unless coated in Cheese Whiz.

* Catfood dish replaced with a trough.

* Luxurious, shiny black fur replaced with mint green polyester pantsuit.

* It's no longer safe to lift him without a spotter.

* Waits for the third bowl of food to get finicky.

* She only catches mice that get trapped in her gravitational pull.

* Has more chins than lives.


-- Lon Frank (, June 21, 2001


Does it mean I'm getting thin again if I'm replacing my mint green polyester pantsuit with a shiny black fur coat? ;-)

-- Tricia the Canuck (, June 21, 2001.

Trish, I'm anti-fur, unless it's your own.

PULEZZZZEEE, tell me that's not the case.


-- Lon Frank (, June 24, 2001.

Lon, you can rest easy, I wouldn't own a mint green polyester suit on a bet ;-)

Although I don't have a fur coat, I have no problems with wearing fur. My sister-in-law bought a fur coat and her next door neighbour sprouted a sign saying something about fur being cruel. We all laughed, since her neighbour wore leather boots and gloves and ate meat. In our climate, furs are quite practical. I don't think I'd feel quite the same about someone wearing a fur in FL, TX or CA.

-- Tricia the Canuck (, June 24, 2001.

so, the circumscissors of wearing shiny green pantsuits depend on how fur away you are from TX, FL, or LA?

-- Robert A. Cook, PE (Marietta, GA) (, June 25, 2001.

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