Cards and prayers please : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I am sorry to ask for a no no , but here goes .One of are own is in the hospital and not doing well .Terry Fields , he post with the email of bluetick .He is a young guy , father of 6 children .He is in the hospital for heart surgery and not doing well .I would like to ask you all to pray for him and send a card if you can .his room # is 388 ,Deaconess Hospital, 311 straight street ,Cincinnatti ohio 45219. Thanks ~Patty

-- Patty {NY State} (, June 21, 2001


you got it!!!!!

-- TomK (, June 21, 2001.

Patty, same here.

-- Annie (, June 21, 2001.

I'll be sure to send one too Patty.

-- Terry - NW Ohio (, June 21, 2001.

Thanks for the heads up Patty.

-- diane (, June 21, 2001.

we'll send a card and remember him in our prayers. Please keep us all posted on how he's doing!

-- Suzy in Bama (, June 22, 2001.

Will do!! Keep us posted!

-- Cindy in Ok (, June 22, 2001.

Thanks people..he is one of my best buddies..Last update I had which was Wednesday is that he now has pnumonia and kidney is at least 2 more weeks away..(open Heart).. He's a fighter though so keep those prayers coming.

-- Lynn(MO) (, June 22, 2001.

UPDATE... hold your cards people from hospital..Terry is on his way home today (6-22) for about 2 weeks then goes back..He will have nurses coming to house twice a day..seems he got infection from I.V...will be treated at home..can still use the prayers..Thanks.

-- Lynn(MO) (, June 22, 2001.

Hey Lynn, let us know when you have a new address for him. All the best to him and his family.

-- Anne (, June 22, 2001.


-- Marty (, June 22, 2001.

Terry's current address is: Terry Fields 2611 Edwards Rd, Sardinia, OH 45171.

-- jd-tx aka milkmaid (, June 22, 2001.

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