Bracketing and especial feelings because you were there : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I have a question and a comment. The question is, why does the R6.2 allow bracketing the light meter in 1/3 stops if it is impossible to reach this level of accuracy in the exposure by using the 1/2 stop on the lens' diaphragm or 1 stop speed dial? The comment is, has anyone experienced the feelings of underestimating a good picture because you were there? I mean, when other people consider that one of your pictures is really good but you don't feel the same because you identify the picture with its real surroundings. For example, a nice landscape but because you cropped out an awful motorway; a nice wild animal but it was taken in a zoo,… Thanks for listening.

-- Javier (, June 22, 2001


I'm not familiar with the R6.2; but to answer your comment, ˇyes! IMHO most of us know it only too well. I have this problem especially because I'm a synaesthetic, i.e. I may take a picture, have it developed, look at the slide, think about the title/the word for the animal I "shot"/... and find that the colour of the words clashes with the photograph's colours. No two synaesthetics share their colours (i.e. each of us sees different sets of colours when hearing music, reading, etc.), so a picture I throw away may be perfect to someone else, especially to someone who is no synaesthetic, I'm almost afraid.

-- Oliver Schrinner (, June 22, 2001.

You can set the lens aperture between the half stop clicks to take advantage of the 1/3 stop metering in your camera.

It is always best to keep your chromes or negs around for awhile as some people (you and I) have trouble detaching ourselves emotionally. I quite commonly do not develop my film for months after exposing. I find it helps in abstracting me from the situation.

One famous Leica photographer would wait five or so years for just this very reason.


-- John Collier (, June 22, 2001.

The R lenses are more heavily click-stopped than the M lenses in general, but you can still set 1/4 stops. I agree with John, a better analysis of any picture occurs after a few months have passed - when the pain of printing it, or taking it have passed, greater objectivity returns and you can decide whether you really like it or not. I find this is the only way when deciding which shots to frame or put in an album.

-- Robin Smith (, June 22, 2001.

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