Banding and disbuding (Goats - General) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Is it less stressfull on goat kids to disbud and band at the same time?
-- Bettie Ferguson (, June 23, 2001
We have our wethers disbudded and cut(as that seems less stressful than the banding) at the same time, usually when they are 7-10 days old. We disbud first and then cut them, as we watch them for awhile afterwards to make sure they aren't bleeding. Occasionally, they will skip one bottle feeding after being cut but are up and back to normal at the following feeding.
-- Leslie Walton (, June 23, 2001.
Leslie do you cut the kids yourself? I am looking for someone in the north MS area to work with. I would help them with hoof triming,disbuding and all that good stuff if they will help me do mine.My DH can't stand the smell of burning hair!
-- Bettie Ferguson (, June 23, 2001.
Just out of curiosity, why don't I hear about people crimping (with an emasculator) as opposed to cutting or banding? It's simple and bloodless. As far as I know, an emasculator isn't any more expensive than a bander. Just curious.
-- Sheryl in ME (, June 24, 2001.
A bander costs about $15. An emasculator cost about $50 or more and is a much larger tool (and ergo harder for us small handed people to deal with).A bander pretty obviously works or doesn't work. An improperly applied emasculator (its supposed to crush the vas deferens) won't be obvious for some time.
I plan on banding. As someone said to me once: "IS there a "good" way to have your balls cut off? I think not ..."
-- Sojourner (, June 24, 2001.
bettie if burning hair is the problem them just get a pair of small dog clippers (found ours at flea market for $2) and shave before you burn. I used to hold and dad would burn but last time when the kid jumped and i got burnt and when running to the house for ice dad did the rest himself. he got on the ground in a kneeling posting and put the kid between his legs and sat down back wards on his feet so a little wait was on the kid but hardly any.and put the frount feet straigt out an d the back ones straight back. it is hard to explain. as for the cutting i still get to hold oh well it isn't a bad job. i would gladly volunteer but i think we are a bit far good luck!
-- lindsey in southern IL (, June 24, 2001.