Monday, June 25, 2001 : LUSENET : MATH : One Thread

Man, people, y'all are killing me.

Where is MATH? Don't go breakin' my heart.

-- Anonymous, June 25, 2001


Al! Lin Chao give good advice.

Vegas was fun. I am so, so tired. My feet are firmly nailed to te Georgia ground, for another week, at least. We go to Florida on Saturday. But Florida, see, is a vacation.

-- Anonymous, June 25, 2001

I too, am tired beyond words. MOC and Al in the ATL by tomorrow, yes?

AB - did the shampoo wife of ex-boyfriend spray hairspray in your eyes?

-- Anonymous, June 25, 2001

Glad y'all had fun.

I think they're going today--spent the night in B'ham last night.

Y'all. She told Rebecca that she refused to shampoo/color my hair. Freak. But it was fine, because I got Rebecca all to myself, something that hasn't happened in a while.

Crazy Monroe.

-- Anonymous, June 25, 2001

Monroe is clazy. Did Mad Mad have fun, tho? I'm sure it's good to have her home.

I'm going home, finally! Going straight to work from the airport? Not the cousin for me.

-- Anonymous, June 25, 2001

She had great fun, with ice cream cake (not from Baskin AND Robbins), and pres-nits and all. We came back loaded down.

Go home and get in the bed, H.

-- Anonymous, June 25, 2001

AB, I was thinking, maybe your mom calls it Baskin & Robbins because she's used to saying "Katz & Besthoff" (K&B). That's my theory, at least.

That girl sounds like a hair-washing freak. Hopefully you and your mom got a good laugh out of it, though. It's such an odd sensation to realize that you've evolved so much more than other people who played a part in your life have.

For some reason, I think they're driving to the ATL tomorrow. I'm hoping Al's ghetto cell phone works.

-- Anonymous, June 25, 2001

Mike, you around these here parts?

-- Anonymous, June 25, 2001

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