
greenspun.com : LUSENET : Southern Railway : One Thread

When was the last run of the Tennessean #45 into Memphis and who was the crew members. I think my dad Murry Tennyson was the last engineer but I don't know for sure. Would like to know the other crew members as well. Thanks, Dale tennyson

-- Robert Dale Tennyson (dtenn4@netscape.net), June 25, 2001


I guess that depends what you mean by the last run. June 26, 1966, was the last run of the true Tennessean. After that, it was combined with the Pelican. In late '66, the Tennsessean name was dropped, and the train ran under the Pelican's number of 41 and 42. This train was discontinued on Amtrak Day.

-- Marty Flick (Golddenim@insight.rr.com), July 23, 2002.

What is the route of the Tennessean? Did it follow the old Memphis and Charleston route when it left Chattanooga? That would mean that it went through Huntsville?

Also, does anyone know the consist of the Tennessean around the early 50's? Any information on the Tennessean would be GREATLY appreciated.

-- Billy Walker (bwalker153@comcast.net), June 02, 2003.

Yes, the Tennessean went through Huntsville, ALa. Typical equipment in the 50's would be one baggage coach, two coaches and one coach- tavern lounge, WAS to MEM. A diner WAS to Knoxville. A through sleeper NY to Mem, all streamlined. Non-streamlined would be some sleepers from Bistol to Mem, Bristoll to Nashville(via NC&STL at Chattanooga\) and Chattanooga to Memphis. Quite a few head end cars. Originally they were streamlined but got less and less so. In fact by the 60's the train was almost completely nonstreamlined except for any remaining sleeper.

-- bill haithcoat (bhaithcoat@ajc.com), May 26, 2004.

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