Varnishes, finishes, textures for custom prints : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Alternative Process : One Thread

I am looking for a way to custom finish a completed photograph. I remember a technique in school (100 yrs ago) that coated the print with some sort of varnish. Recently I saw a print that had been treated this way, but the owner would not reveal the technique. All I know is that he painted the ....... on with a brush and gave the photograph a very nice textured finish. If there is anyone out there who knows about this technique and the solutions with which to do this application, I would be very appreciative. I have a number of personal photographs that I would like to treat. 1) preserving the image 2)giving it a textured look.


-- Fay Marley-Clarke (, June 26, 2001


Varnishing prints isn't done much these days. I would think the problem would be assuring yourself that the varnish will last and not discolor or crack with time. I found the following links by doing a search on varnishing prints:

From an old article on albumen and collodion:

From an article on varnishing paintings:


-- Ed Buffaloe (, June 28, 2001.

Fay, I think you mean print texturing. Ive used Marshalls texture

"goobie" [cant remember the name] its for photos and paintings its very easy to use and fun! You can get some great impasto FX Ive also used that white woodworking glue {with both you have to seal the surface first} The "marshals" [Texas] product looks like wood glue, smells like wood glue, and tasts like wood glue [joke!] You could also try puttind a thick coat and impressing a heavy textured fabric [eg.canvas, hessian,linnen] onto the wet surface then carefully pull it off, leaving the texture to dry. Hope this is of some help- if not ive got some more to try so let me know how go go! Merv Cannon aaipp.

-- merv cannon (, May 20, 2002.

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