Question on multiple births for goats : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Hello. Would like to ask if anyone has ever heard of a doe giving birth to 5 kids over a three day period. Thanks. Jack Murdock

-- Jack Murdock (, June 30, 2001


WOW ! Did they all live ?

-- Patty {NY State} (, June 30, 2001.

Dear Jack: Wow! That is a lot of baby goats. The most we have ever had born was four and they all lived although we did bottle feed them. What kind of goat do you have, if it is yours? I have never heard of 5 coming from one goat. Maybe you've set a record. How is the doe? Marie in E. Washington

-- Marie Fila (, June 30, 2001.

I don't doubt the 5, I do however doubt the "over 3 days". Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh TX (, June 30, 2001.

Thanks for the responce. The reason for my question on this subject is we bought 20 reg. full blooded reg.boer goats from someone needing to get rid of them due to a devorce.My wife noticed that on the registration papers of the does we bought 5 had came from the same doe and the birth dates were over a three day period.These goats are reg. with the ABGA.My wife thought this was unusall.That is why I am asking. Thanks again. Jack Murdock

-- Jack Murdock (, July 01, 2001.

Hey Vicki, do they allow Embrio Transfer in Boer goats? Sounds like that is the only way it is possible to me. And are you allowed more than one per year per goat. We used to do it allot with expensive show mares, letting the brood mares carry them, while the mare kept going to shows, but was only allowed one per year. Although I'm sure that rule was broken many a time.

-- Cindy in KY (, July 01, 2001.

Wow.... quads... I've heard of, but as vicki mentioned... over 3 days? hmmmm.....

Hey Cindy.... your question about emberyo transfers. Thats how we ended up with my late Jackie. We were raising Boers at the time and then decided to get a nice big dairy goat to use. We went to a dairy dispersal sale and another breeder of Boers was doing the same. We got Jackie, but never did the transfer, the prices on Boers slowly dropped and it wasn't profitable.

-- Bernice (, July 01, 2001.

It would say this on the kids paperwork, just like in diary where we have the AI next to the name. Great call Cindy! Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh TX (, July 01, 2001.

oops... meant quints... been so busy lately I just skim some stuff.:(: (

-- Bernice (, July 01, 2001.

The only exception I can see, is IF, the first kid was born close to midnight, the others in the next 24 hours and the fifth in the 25th hour. Sure seems like a long labor.

-- Terri Perry (, July 01, 2001.

Maybe someone made a typing error on the reg. papers concerning the dates??

-- Jack Murdock (, July 01, 2001.

Yes! I have a friend who has Nigerian Dwarf dairy goats. The doe had 6 & all lived! They weighed in around 1 lb each.

-- Robin (, July 02, 2001.

I've heard of five and sometimes more in Nigerians, but over three days . . . I don't know about that. Even if it happened as Terri said, that's a really long time to actually be in the delivery stage of labor. I'd be asking questions if accuracy is important to you.

-- Laura Jensen (, July 04, 2001.

Today, January 19,2002, at my farm in Texas my doe gave birth to four live kids. Another to triplets and a third to twins. We have been in a blur all day because of deliveries! I've never heard of the 5. I have a news crew coming over to do a story on the quads. I thought that was way cool!

-- D'Ann Loop (, January 19, 2002.

Excellent! This shows you how good your management is D'Ann! Great job! Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh TX (, January 20, 2002.

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