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Please can anyone give some advice. I live at my parents house (joint mortgage) with my 2 1/2 yr old son. My father passed away last year. The DSS pay the interest (due to my mum being on Jobseekers Allowance) on the mortgage and I pay the balance (about half). My mother doesn't work as she looks after my son so that I can work. However,the DSS didn't pay for a period when my mum was advised to close her JSA claim and claim for Widows Pension, which she did. There are now about £2k arrears from the DSS, but in total about £10k. We have had a repossession order for next Wednesday (11th July) and I'm trying to find out what I can do to get it postponed. Can anybody help?
-- Lisa Collier (, July 03, 2001
Please phone and then visit your local Citizens' Advice Bureau, is my advice. They have specialists in these areas, and can help you. It's the best 'first port of call' I can think of, and it may be all you need.
-- Eleanor Scott (, July 08, 2001.