Need to stop dog from licking open wound : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I have a large dog that lost a 2"x2 1/2" square of hide. The Vet cleaned it up and clipped some hanging hide off a month ago. Can not keep her from licking it. Have tried the Vets spray that they use to keep dogs from licking. No luck. Used the funnel that fits around the neck and she could not lick it but almost died as she could not drink water with it on. Has anyone else found a way to keep dogs from licking wound. Thanks Bill

-- Bill Porter (, July 04, 2001


There is a company that produces a soft Elizabethan collar that is comfortable and will prevent all licking. Also a soft foam cuff collar is available that will prevent licking on the hind quarters and the abdomen. Ask your vet, I'm sure he has had advertising on this collar and could obtain one for you. Also, if the wound is slow to heal and driving the dog mad, you might want to ask your vet if he's ever tried injecting the edges of the wound with triamcinolone acetonide . I have used this treatment on some of my animals on tough wounds and it seems to work more often than not.

-- Sandra Nelson (, July 04, 2001.

Sounds like the funnel collar from the vet wasn't fitted properly. There are different widths and different angles for the cone that will prevent your dog from licking yet still allow him/her to drink. I hope this helps.

-- Gary in Indiana (, July 04, 2001.

licking is how dogs keep a wound clean and uninfected

-- Pops (, July 04, 2001.

I had a summer's worth of experience with this problem. The best solution that I found for my dog was: antibiotic cream, then non- stick gauze pad, then cover that with vet wrap. The vet wrap is a stretchable wrap used on horses legs, tails, etc. It is dirt cheap (less than $2.00 a roll), stretches for easy use, and enables you to reduce the amount of gauze. My golden had an injury that I fought with for months before I discovered this combination. Still need to use waterproof medical tape for adhearing the vet wrap, but it works well. The wrap can stay on for several days before the gauze needs to be changed, then cut the whole mess off. I actually had to tape the whole thing to the dog's fur to keep her from removing it, but when you cut it off, that is just not a problem. This worked much better than the Elizabethan collar. If the injury is on her side, you might have to circle her rib cage and she might look like she has broken ribs, but again, it keeps her from licking it, and that is the goal. Hope this helps. Good luck.

-- Joan Tytor (, July 04, 2001.

Not the best solution but a mild seditive for 7-10 days may help.The dogs is doing what comes natural .A good collar should prevent licking , if the dog refuses to eat or drink with it on take it off several times a day .Hope all goes well.

-- Patty {NY State} (, July 04, 2001.

Is the vet spray you tried called Bitter Apple? If it isn't go to a pet store and purchase some. It is made for dogs to stop licking their wounds. If this is what the vet gave you there is a secrect to making it work. Spray some (a good shot) directly into the dog's mouth before putting in on the wound. They know how bad it tastes and when they taste it when they try to lick, that is all that is needed.

If you want to try the funnel again, you could lift the water bowl off the floor so the funnel has room.

-- Dee (, July 04, 2001.

Thanks to all of you for your tips and help. I have started using the info gained from you and I can only hope that the wound will heal soon. She keeps the wound from forming a scab and it has been over a month. Thanks Again Bill

-- Bill Porter (, July 05, 2001.

I agree with Pops. My dobie cut a 4 inch gash on his rump, cost me $100 for the vet to stich him up. the dog chewed out the stiches, I could not afford another $100 for vet. An old cowboy friend told me to let him lick it & it would heal on it's own. He was right, had a small scar. Mother nature is amazing, through the years i have seen dogs with snake bites to the head, fed all my dogs all bones (excluding pork chop bones)those survied with normal vacine shots. Larry in OK

-- Larry in OK (, July 05, 2001.

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