Biodegradable Backyard Duck : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
My 2 Pekin ducks are about three or four weeks old now. For protection at night and for the warmer temps (I'm in Southern CA, so the temps drop at night), I have been taking them inside from my (what in the City is considered a) good sized backyard, into the downstairs part of my house that I am renovating, changing their bed of leaves every day, or adding onto it every day, replacing the water and feed every day, inside to outside and back again. It's getting very tiring. They naturally huddle at night right at the entry doorway, which I cannot turn into a nest. I want to build or create a good place they'll accept as a substitute and so stop pooping right outside this doorway, and which they can get to without me putting them away at night and leting them out in the morning. Nor do I want to spend my life cleaning up after them. I love these critters, and I know they don't have maid service in nature. Thanks for your ideas.
-- Kristina Jordan (, July 06, 2001
We use a Poly calf hutch for our 10 buff ducks. For just two you could use a small doghouse. You can even get them made of a poly type material. With the poly type you can clean them with a hose and even disinfect them.
-- David in NH (, July 06, 2001.
Get a few strawbales together and make a fort for them. Like giant kids' blocks. Be sure there is plenty of ventilation and water available. Old pallets could be a part of the architecture, too.
-- snoozy (, July 06, 2001.