bugs on grape vines

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I went outside today and saw all these black bugs on the leaves of my grapes What are they? They are eating the leaves. Should i have sprayed the grapes this year? help !!!!!!!!!!

-- kelly (farmgal15@aol.com), July 06, 2001


we had some new kind of black and brown bugs that were eating the leaves on our grape vines and they were gobbling them up! I do believe if I hadn't found them they would have eaten everything! I try to be completely organic but I gave up and sprinkled Sevin dust on these and it killed them all. A good rain washed all the dust off the plants and grapes and the bugs have not returned.

My husband said he had never seen a bug like these. They were about three-quarter inch long and were hard-bodied.

-- Suzy in Bama (slgt@yahoo.com), July 07, 2001.

hope its not the new sharp shooter, it is doing a # on the vines here as it spreads a virus which kills the vines.

-- kathyh (ckhart55@earthlink.net), July 10, 2001.

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