yellow squash (problem) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I have three yellow squash plants (crooked neck), the plants are real healthy looking, but the squash comes on by the dozens and never gets over 2-3 inches long , then it gets hard as if over-ripe. Any suggestion would help, sure am missing our yellow squash for dinner! Thank You DJ

-- DJ RENDELUK (, July 08, 2001


Response to yellow squash

Sounds as if your squash blooms are not getting pollinated. If you do not have enough bees to do the job you can hand pollinate the blooms yourself. I use a q-tip and touch it to the inside of a male bloom, those on long thin stems, and then touch it to the inside of a female bloom, those with the small squash behind the flower. This is best done in the early morning. Good luck. Marlene

-- Marlene Leiby (, July 08, 2001.

Response to yellow squash

How do you know a male bloom from a female bloom?

-- Russell Hays (, July 08, 2001.

The female blossom has a tiny squash on it, the male flower does not.

-- Cordy (, July 09, 2001.

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