Its Monday-feed the hungry : LUSENET : FRL friends : One Thread

It is Monday morning, laundry day if I remember correctly, now before you ladies go drag out your washtubs and scrub boards, and because you are here anyhow type up, click on the marker and the sponsors will provide an 8 ounce cup of food for someone somewhere whom is starving. You can even pretend to read the commericals before you turn off the puter and get to your chores, and don't let me catch you wearing shoes again!

-- mitch hearn (, July 09, 2001


Mitch, is this site going to put me on an advertising list for charities? We donated to the Salvation Army and they sold our name and you wouldn't believe the number of charities that sent materials. We aren't able to support very many charities, and the ones we do support accept our labor as a donation.

Otherwise, that site is a good idea.

Ladies, apparently our mitch here doesn't realize the men do our laundry...Lon, darling, would you run fetch me another iced tea?

-- helen (sun@bathing.goddess), July 09, 2001.

Thanks Mitch, that reminded me that I still have some stuff for the local food bank. It's hard for most of us (in America) to realize there is so much hunger worldwide, much less in on own cities. I think about this often, when I see how much food is left on plates and wasted in resturants. They must have not had MY mother!

And Helen, you gotta be kiddin', right? ME bring ice tea? ME, the master of all I survey?

(Well, do you want lemon in it or what? And can it wait 'till I finish this load sheets?)


-- Lon Frank (, July 09, 2001.

I have been clicking on the hunger site for about 2 months and have recieved no unnecessary bullfeathers from anybody. Now get back to work and fill that woodbox.

-- mitch hearn (, July 09, 2001.

Mitch, only women give real orders around here. Any order that originates with a male is given all the consideration it is due. (chortle)

Lon, lemon would be fine. Are you baking any more of those fine teacakes today?

-- helen (sunbathing@other.side), July 09, 2001.

Any order that originates with a male is given all the consideration it is due. (chortle) Snort! Indeed!

Helen, I believe Lon's making the teacakes for the sumptuous brunch he and the other fellas are planning for us. . .not sure what Rob, Gene, #6 and the others are going to contribute, but I'm sure it'll be lovely. . .

I wonder what Mitch is preparing . . . ;-)

-- Brooke (, July 09, 2001.

What am I preparing...Proaibily a search warrent to confiscate what ever your smoking. I could have said "Don't bother me now, I'm reloading" but I didn't so I won't. Get your sassy hineys to the house!

-- mitch hearn (, July 09, 2001.

Mitch, honey, you're crossing our conversational line. Go read the archives.

-- helen spanks (, July 09, 2001.

Oh, Mitch, Mitch, Mitch. I hate to see a nice young feller start down the road to ruin. You see, this forum has evolved over a couple of years, and our way of posting has evolved with it, mostly by mutual effort of the residents. Not the words, so much, but the tone, if you catch my drift. You can say almost anything about anyone, so long as you don't take it or yourself too seriously. Oh, and you can say absoultely anything about me or Robert Cook, because, 1) it's probably true, and 2) we've already heard worse from our in-laws, anyway.

"sassy hineys"? Wooo-eee, it boggles the mind!


-- Lon Frank (, July 09, 2001.

People, it has come to my attention that you do not understand my rather arrid approach to humor; never take me seriously (that is unless you want to); some of your posts are so "torchy" that they remind me of banker Drysdale's sectratary from the Beverly Hillbillies, whereas I prefer to envision you lovely creatures more in the Ellie Mae Clampett mode, not the Peggy Bundy mode that you project.

-- mitch hearn (, July 09, 2001.

Well, thanks, Mitch. I know my sassy hiney certainly looks more like Ellie Mae's. However, Robert Cook's actually DOES look more like Peg Bundy's (at least in his tu-tu).


-- Lon Frank (, July 09, 2001.

Miss Hathaway was my role model.

Mitch, you will address all of the ladies on this forum as "mistress" and you may never give one of us an order. You may only request, using the most floweriest language you know. We started this forum for women, by women, and the men are cute and ornamental on purpose.

-- mistress helen (give@it.up), July 09, 2001.

Helen, I like your style! J

-- Gayla (, July 09, 2001.

Oh helen, are we going to start the spanking club again? Are we?? Are we?

-- gene (, July 09, 2001.

Dearest Gene, YOU may be first! Ladies! We have a volunteer!

-- mistress helen (, July 09, 2001.

Ok, Now where was that ping pong paddle........ (looking all over)

-- (sis@home.zzz), July 26, 2001.

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