Done with goats ... but have lots of equipment! : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Well, after a lot of discussion, we decided to "give up the goats" (pun intended)... just too much going on. BUT, we have LOTs of equipment and supplies that someone getting into raising goats might use; milking stand, stainless steel pail, filters, dehorning tool, wormer, books on goat raising, cheese-making supplies, etc. (Too much to list here!)

If anyone is interested, please let me know, and I could send a more complete list... or if you have a certain item in mind, send a note and I'll let you know if we have it.

Ideally, I would love to get rid of all the stuff at once, and yes, for a reasonable price.

Please let me know if you have any interest! Dave

-- Dave (, July 09, 2001


You might want to try selling on ebay, you can also post the stuff for sale on Goatads on Yahoo Groups, and Linda has an auction site at has a classified section, you can also go to Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh TX (, July 09, 2001.

Where are you located?

We're in the Houston, Texas area......

-- Birdlady (, July 09, 2001.

Dave, I am interested in your equipment. Please email the particulars. Thank you.

-- Jonathan Sanchez (, July 10, 2001.

Please email me with info too! :-)

-- Cindy in Ok (, July 15, 2001.

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