Milk goats to trade? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Hi folks! I'm broke b/c I just bought a year's supply of hay, but I need more milkers, so I'm considering trading my registered/purebred Toggenburg doe for milker(s) of equal value. Any takers? I don't particularly care about breeds or pedigrees (although, I do have a penchant for La Manchas & Nubians, heh!), I just care about production, flavor & good manners. The Togg I have for trade comes from terrific milk lines & has an impressive pedigree, but she just doesn't seem to have the production we require of our girls to earn their expensive, organic goat feed I have to buy! She's bred for show! If you're interested, please email me for more information &/or pictures. She really is a sweet goat & I hate to get rid of her, but I always told myself that everyone on my farm has to earn their keep or they're outa here, so . . . Oh yeah, I'll also consider rare breed chickens &/or any breed young laying hens in trade, too. Thanks! Sarah/MI

-- Sarah Sanders (, July 10, 2001


I recommend you tell us where you are.

-- Rick7 (, July 11, 2001.

I'm in South-central Michigan, in the tri-state area, where MIchigan, Ohio & Indiana all come together.

-- Sarah Sanders (, July 11, 2001.

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