Nvidia GeForce Comparison table

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Here is a handy chart to show you the chipsets and their differences
Chipset Memory Interface Pixels per second Memory Bandwidth Triangle per second Texels per second
GeForce2 MX200 64-bit SDR 1.3GB/s 700 Million
GeForce2 MX400 64/128-bit SDR, 64-bit DDR 2.7GB/s 800 Million
GeForce2 MX 64/128-bit SDR, 64-bit DDR 2.7GB/s 700 Million
GeForce2 Pro 128-bit DDR 800 Million 6.4GB/s >25 Million
GeForce2 GTS 128-bit DDR 800 Million 5.3GB/s >25 Million
GeForce2 Ultra 128-bit DDR 1.0 Gigapixels 7.36 GB/s 31 Million
GeForce3 128-bit DDR 7.36 GB/s

More information can be found at the Nvidia homepage www.nvidia.com

-- John Holroyd (johnh@aone.co.uk), July 11, 2001

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