test (sorry)

greenspun.com : LUSENET : HTML test forum : One Thread

Will lusenet let me use <pre>? Let's see...

In other words, if you zoom in to look at the joins in 1:1 view, you'll probably see a big jump, a bit like this (sorry about the crap ascii art):

1  .                         |
   .           _--*--_       v
   .        _-*       --*-_
   .      _*               -*
0  -   _-*                   |
   .  -                      |           __-*
   . /                       |    _-*-_-*
   .                         |  _-
-1 .                         *-*

     end of original sound   start of new sound
That's known as a "glitch" or an "artefact".

Exciting stuff, huh?!

-- rebecca testingserf (low-fi@spacecadet.co.uk), July 11, 2001


what the hell it that

-- a (a@a.com), August 15, 2002.

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