Hood/aperature ring alignment out on 35'cron

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I noticed my just arrived used Canadian preAsp 35'cron has a slightly loose front segment. I found that infact the whole segment can be unscrewed from the focus ring part. I assume this is normal.

What does concern me is that when retightened the aperature stop mark tightens to a point beyond 12 o'clock. It starts to bind at 12, but doesn't feel secure until almost 1 o'clock. Fully opened up the F2.8 now lines up with the infinity mark of the focus ring.

This leaves the hood overrotated and out of alignment too. Aesthetically this sucks.

Is this something I should be concerned about? The lens is from a dealer and is warrantied.


-- Simon Wong (drsimonwong@hotmail.com), July 12, 2001


I doubt that this is normal. I believe that what's happened is that someone has taken the lens off a camera incorrectly. This lens should be mounted or removed from a camera using the base of the lens and not the other end. In any case, the lens is NOT designed to come apart.

I would return the lens.

-- Bud (budcook@attglobal.net), July 12, 2001.

This is a moderately common fault with the fourth version pre-asph 35/2 summicron lens. That nice square hood is often used to mount and unmount the lens. As you can see this results in the front optical group loosening up. It is simple to repair but I would have an experienced Leica tech do the work. I would think the seller of the lens should pay for or, depending on the deal, at least make a good contribution towards the cost of repair. Depending on the age and condition of the lens say $50US to $100US.


-- John Collier (jbcollier@powersurfr.com), July 12, 2001.

I concur completely with what John has said. The lens was factory- assembled with a thread-locking adhesive, but not a permanent one (in case the lens actually did ever need disassembling). The fact that you can get it to go past the correct stopping point disturbs me. Perhaps the lens has been taken further apart, or has been forced past the 12:00 position previously. My pesonal choice would be to return the lens for a refund and look for another one.

-- Jay (infinitydt@aol.com), July 12, 2001.

Thanks for the advice guys. I sent the lens off to a Leica service centre under instructions from the dealer I purchased off. If it's a minor problem it will be fixed under warranty. If it's in need of surgery then I should be able to get a refund.


-- Simon Wong (drsimonwong@hotmail.com), July 13, 2001.

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