making cheese with powdered milk : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

i'm wondering if anyone has had success making cheese with powdered milk? Mixed with regular store bought, fresh cow or goat milk? Is it feasible? Does it work? Help!!

-- Karen Cardot (, July 12, 2001


there is a book out there that tells you how to do it if your interested...its called " making the best of basics" by James T. Stevens

-- doc (, July 13, 2001.

It's important to have a good tasting powdered milk in the first place as the taste will be magnified in the cheese. If you are making a soft cheese with lots of herbs added to it, this won't be such an issue.

Cheesemaking Supply Outlet in Ohio sells a special dry milk for cheesemaking but it isn't as cheap as the grocery store product.

-- marilyn (, July 13, 2001.

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