How to wash fly trap sticky stuff off a bird : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I bought 3 fly strips (small) thinking they would be safer around birds. Nope.

A barn swallow momma (with nestlings) got caught in it today. We washed her off with mildly soapy water but she still is a little sticky. She also lost quite a few feathers.

Will the Dad take care of the babies while moms on the mend?

How can I completely remove the sticky stuff??

Fly Traps- never again. Amy

-- amy richards (, July 13, 2001


A lanolin based handcleaner such as "GoJo" might do it, it cuts allmost everything else. I would avoid trying anything made of petroleum bases such as lighter fluid or mineral spirits, it might damage the feathers.

-- mitch hearn (, July 13, 2001.

Maybe baby powder. Put it on untill the sticky will take no more. Never tried it but it might be a safe way to go. Keep us informed on what works,

-- ed (, July 13, 2001.

We had a bird get caught in our apple trees after I hung out the fake red "apples" coated with tangletrap. I used a citrus based cleaner and made sure the bird was dry before releasing. Seemed fine to me.

-- Mary R. (, July 14, 2001.

I found that oils will take out sticky stuff. WD-40 or in the case of the bird, probably cooking oil, followed by a wash. (Had those fly tapes in my hair too many times. Keep going back for more)

-- Dee (, July 14, 2001.

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