How to "dye" kerosene to look like "lamp oil"? : LUSENET : Archives- from C-side : One Thread |
How to "dye" kerosene to look like "lamp oil"? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread
Hi Guys! Not a biggie, but we do use kerosene lamps from time to time. Not about to pay the big bucks for colored "lamp oil"! But the colored oil does have it's aesthetic atributes. I have tried food coloring and the paint store's pigments without success. Anybody know how to make "pretty" kerosene? Thanx and GL!
-- Brad (, May 15, 2001
Try filtering it through a piece of non-colorfast fabric . I have never tried to intentionally dye the K1 I use in our lamps , however, I did turn some the nicest shade of light blue while using a piece of blue felt to filter dirt and trash out once. I didn't notice any difference in the burning. Also check with your area K1 sources. We have gas stations that sell red, blue and orange tinted around here.
-- Jay Blair in N. AL. (, May 15, 2001.
cant,,, the dye used to color the fuels, , k-1, deisel, home fuel, ect, are special,, the gov uses them so they can tax you differently, but the all are basical the same,, just different sulfer contents, k- 1 has the least. If you could color it, then alot of people would buy deisel and sell it as k-1
-- stan (, May 15, 2001.
You could drop a few colored marbles into your lamp reservoir. I'm not sure what kind of dyes would dissolve in lamp oil.
-- Connie (, May 16, 2001.
how about powdered dye such as Tyntex or maybe even the dye tablets used to color easter eggs.
Not sure it would work but worth a try.
-- sally stanton (, May 16, 2001.
Brad I have been told that if you want red put in a bit of red flannel. Don't know if any other color flannel would work. What about the dye used for clothes. You can get them if the food stores.
-- michelle (, May 19, 2001.
-- (, July 13, 2001