Equipment for Pasture-Raised Poultry (Poultry - Housing/Equipment) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Came across an ad for chicken processing equipment for the pasturized-poultry farmer in the July 2001 issue of The Stockman Grass Farmer. Contact Jako, Inc. (877-525-6462 - - As a current thread on the forum indicates, one participants estimates she can raise broilers for $2 each and they were retailing at health food stores for about $7 each.As far as I know the book, Pastured Poultry Profits: Net $25,000 in 6 months on 20 acres, by Joel Salatin is still available through Joel at Rt. 1, Box 281, Swoope, VA 24479. I have read a number of articles which say if you can develop a direct market outlet for what you produce, his projection isn't unreasonable and his family does much better than that.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (, July 15, 2001
They do, but not just from the chickens. Joel also raises beef cattle, and a few hogs. He is doing a lot of direct marketing to restaurants and gourmet stores. He's making well over 6 figures (I think he said he was grossing over $200k a couple of years ago when I met him). His son raises rabbits."Salad Bar Beef" is another excellent Joel Salatin title. "You Can Farm" is also excellent. I recommend them both. He also has a new book just out, "Family Friendly Farming". I plan to get a copy as soon as I possibly can afford it. If its not out yet, it will be in just a few weeks. Joel gets more money (a WHOLE lot more money) if you buy the book from him instead of a bookstore.
Joel practices what he preaches and hasn't weaseled out on us. It's more than a way to make money for him, its a lifestyle, an ethical stance encompassing his whole life. I highly recommend any of his books. You CAN farm. LOL!
-- Sojourner (notime4@summer.spam), July 15, 2001.
I got a notice from Small Farm Today a few weeks ago about the speakers at this year's Small Farm Trade Show to be held in Columbia MO in November. Joel will be speaking about this new book. It looks like one of the better Trade Shows and has been expanded to 3 days instead of 2.Sojourner, please email me privately. Thanks.
-- marilyn (, July 16, 2001.