How can i get chickens to set? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

we have: one dominique rooster, 3 dominique hens, 8 barred rock hens, 10 banty hens, and 4 r.i. red hens and 5 autralorps. but none seems to interested in setting. trying to get some chicks out of these girls. the rooster is doing his job, but they won't set. i know one banty did in the past, she hatched out 6 turkey eggs for us when the turkey hen was killed by her mate. any suggestions? we've tried leaving the eggs in the nesting box, but they just step all over them. our tried and true banty is not interested. there have been over 12 eggs in the nest, but still no sitters. thanks for any suggestions.

-- jeannie (, July 16, 2001


My dad used to have a favorite bantam hen he says would brood if he put her on a nest of eggs with a basket over her overnight. *But* I have never had any luck persuading a hen to sit(and I had lots that did.) I found that I just had to be patient and wait until they got ready on their own. No need, necessarily, to leave eggs for them. Mine, once ready, would gladly sit an empty nest. So when one started to brood, I then gave her fresh eggs. The exception was my wilder breed. When one of them would start gathering eggs, usually in some out of the way place, I just let her. When she had collected ten or twelve eggs, she'd sit them. If the weather is not just right(way too hot, or way too wet), you would not likely get a good hatch anyway. So if you're in the south, you might want to wait anyway.

-- mary (, July 16, 2001.

Gee-all of mine have gone broody and want to set! I have buff orpingtons and barred rocks...and no eggs! Imagine having a dozen hens and having to buy eggs! :)

I have seen lots of barred rocks around here and everyone who has them says that they set-so maybe give them some more time? Our barred rocks are second generations-and the setting nature is definitely there! Too bad we lost our rooster!


-- Sarah (, July 16, 2001.

Hens will set if they like the conditions and the right amount of eggs are in the nest. Perhaps they don't feel safe in the nests. Any chance that a predator may be running thru and is scaring the girls?

I've had hens build a nest for 3 weeks before setting. Why they wanted all those eggs is beyond me, but they all hatched! -G- Maybe it had to do with being winter. My hens lay all year around with no added heat/light.

-- ~Rogo (, July 17, 2001.

This is really the wrong time of the year for large hens to go broody. The banties might. There's nothing you can really do to encourage them, beyond leaving eggs or golf balls in the nest. If any of your birds will set, it will probably happen in the spring when the days are getting longer. Your best bet in the future is to get a couple of Silkie hens. They will set 4 times a year (whether you want them to or not,) and will do a wonderful job of raising the chicks for you.

-- Paula (, July 18, 2001.

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