M6 baseplate with threaded socket in the center?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Having read Leica M handgrip and Leica M hand grip & filter, I see that alongside the original Leica M handgrip (Article 14405) there is also the Abrahamsson Rapidgrip and the non-Leica M-grip (don't know any manufacturer or URL here). But all I want is an M handgrip without a hand! Does anybody know of such a thing (just for my tripod)? I see two possibilities:
  1. How about a (screw-on-able) base part as in the handgrip but without the hand part?
  1. Even better would be just simply a (substitutable) new base plate itself (however thick, due to its having to shift the location of the present socket which is already up to about 6 mm deep).

Sure am interested in what you come up with.


-- Michael Kastner (kastner@zedat.fu-berlin.de), July 16, 2001


There is also the metal CTOOM flash bracket. It has a tripod mount in the center but it requires the stud on the end of the camera that's no longer supplied with the M6.

I use this bracket when I mount my M3 on a tripod. It also can be used for small flash units that take a PC cord. This lets you keep a viewfinder or MR meter in the hot shoe when using a small flash.

-- Bud (budcook@attglobal.net), July 16, 2001.

Leica will, for a modest fee, fit this aligning stud to cameras that do not have it. Really Right Stuff make the tripod bush centering plate you desire.


-- John Collier (jbcollier@powersurfr.com), July 16, 2001.

Assuming I understand your question correctly, try a Really Right Stuff quick release plate. The plates have a tripod socket more or less in the center. You can either get the plate designed for the M6 or a more general purpose plate (the plate for the Nikon FE2 is a very generic plate that works on all sorts of cameras - sorry, don't have the RRS catalog handy).

-- Bob (robljones@home.com), July 16, 2001.

Actually, now that I think about it, the generic plate won't work because the M6 tripod socket is too close to end of the camera plate. But, the RRS plate designed for the M6 will work. It is very low profile, nicely made, and it matches closely the circumference of the camera plate so it will blend in quite well. Most importantly for your use, the tripod socket is dead center. www.reallyrightstuff.com

-- Bob (robljones@home.com), July 16, 2001.

The GMP grip for the M (I think which has been discontinued). The 2 screws holding the grip part can be removed with an allen wrench, leaving a baseplate much slimmer than the RRS/Kirk type, with a centered tripod socket.

-- Jay (infinitydt@aol.com), July 16, 2001.

I'm always learning something on this site... The M has a tripod socket??? Just think how much sharper HCB's shots would have been if he used a tripod. ;-)

-- Al Smith (smith58@msn.com), July 16, 2001.

Agree with RRS mount for the M6. I've had RRS base plates for all my cameras and can't say enough good things about their products. Purchase an Arca Swiss B1 head and this setup will be the last you'll buy.

-- Don M (maldos@home.com), July 16, 2001.

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