E7 in HO Scale

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

I am having a difficult time finding any undecorated E7 units that I could use for my C of G layout. I see that Life-Like released an undecorated Proto 2000 E7 unit several years ago, but that's as close as I've gotten. Can anyone steer me "The Right Way"? (Sorry, but I had to do that!) Some of the messages on this forum mentioned petitioning Life-Like to make a C of G E7. Has anyone heard back?

Currently I have a C of G Atlas RS3 (108)and a good assortment of freight cars, but I really want to have a Nancy Hanks II or Man O' War on my layout. Any help would be much appreciated.

-- James Hamilton (JHamil2081@aol.com), July 17, 2001


You don't necessarily need a undecorated P2K E7. I haven't done it myself, but I understand that P2K paint strips easily with 91% isopropyl alcohol. Since the "undec's" actual have a gray primer coat, they need to be stripped anyhow. Just look fo a single headlight, flat numberboard E7 of any available roadname. Of course there is one famous diesel modeler that says the cab is bad on the LL P2K E7's. He advocates sawing it off and substituting a Stewart F unit cab.

-- Jack Wyatt (cjwyatt@bellsouth.net), April 25, 2002.

James, the best bet for finding an undecorated LL E7 is probably eBay. I've tried repeatedly to get LL to do SOMETHING in CofG!! I think some of the officers of the CGRHS have tried as well, but to no avail. To their credit though, they've been VERY successful at getting other companies (i.e. Athearn, Atlas, MDC,and Kaydee) to do CofG models

-- Richard Cole Jr. (raracole@prodigy.net), April 24, 2002.

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