Abbey /Eversheds verses Me : LUSENET : Repossession : One Thread


I hope you don’t mind me emailing you; I have a problem like so many others and could do with a little advice.

I bought a house in 1991 after a break-up. The house was purchased for around 49,000 and I borrowed 46,000. In April 1993 like so many other I fell foul of the high interest rates (15%) and had my house repossessed. I have moved houses twice and have now settled down with my wife and two children. In March 2001 I received a letter from eversheds solicitors acting on behalf of the Abbey National asking me to fill in a expenditure form (this letter was posted to my work place, they had found out where I worked) I ignored the letter firstly because my mortgage had been with the National Provincial but I now Know they both amalgamated. I received a telephone call at work last week from eversheds solicitors last week, I asked them to send me details of what it was all about as the only thing I had received from them was an expenditure form with no explanation. I received a letter from them basically saying I owed them £15,895.

There was just a nasty, very badly photocopied statement. I have written back to them asking for more details, e.g complete breakdown of statement, mortgage deed, valuation documents because they sold the property for only £42,000 and I also served a SARN on Abbey. I would be very grateful if anyone could give me any more advice, I have heard of the six year rule and various other things and wonder if it might apply, I am willing to go to court if I have to, I am not frightened of them.

Best wishes Stephen moss

-- Stephen Moss (, July 18, 2001


Hi Stephen.

Sounds like you are doing fine thus far.

One thing you might consider doing is writing to them asking to explain their intrusion into your workplace. Was their letter marked private & confidential, for example?

Other than the above, if they write to press you further, write back to remind them that you have served a sarn on Abbey (you might also consider sarning Eversheds) and that you are awaiting responses given that Eversheds wouldn't supply information to help you evaluate their clients claim....

-- (, July 18, 2001.

This is there usual course of action. I had the same as you, follow all the steps refered to on this website they do work. Do not forget to ask if they obtained a Money Judgement Order and if not follow threads on the website about Civil Proceedings Rules.

-- Steve Mace (, July 19, 2001.

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