What Can You Cook?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : chaos : One Thread

Almost everyone has that one thing that they can cook and cook well. What's yours?

-- Jen (Jen@echoside.net), July 21, 2001


eGGs and bacon.......thats about it..hehe

-- Heather (purplehaze@livejournal.com), July 21, 2001.

Toast. ;)

umm, nah...

Shortbread cookies- very yummy, and I can actually say I can make them without screwing them up in any which way. But I prefer just the stuff that you can put it in and ten minutes take it out and there- it's done. Umm...I can also cook noodles and vegetables very well... ;)

Very pathetic, I know. I'm not the greatest of cooks, but I do enjoy it.

-- Lindsay (drain_bamaged@hotmail.com), July 25, 2001.

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