Small Farm and Small Farm Today : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Well, I said I'd bring down the ire of many and I sure did. The responses on the forum were very polite compared to the ones sent directly to me. The funny thing is that some signed phoney emails and names but the computer sent their real ones to me as well.

Anyway, when I saw Kathie's offer, I had just read the editorial in a recent issue about the problems Ron's been having lately. I knew about the heart attack he mentioned he'd had preparing for last year's trade show and the wreck that almost killed the managing editor shortly after the show. Paul was comatose in the hospital for a month or more and I think his mother was killed in the accident--I don't remember for sure. Ron also mentioned his father's fall that broke his hip and his wife's wreck that will require considerable surgery on her legs. I wrote for SFT in the mid 80's when it was known as Missouri Farm and there is a special place for the magazine in my heart and the Machers as well, although I don't see them often. I was feeling a little defensive about them because as I said in the previous post, I know their struggles still yet to produce the magazine.

It's hard to chose the precise word and impossible to convey inflection in print. I had hoped my words would be softer than some have interpreted. ("Be careful of the words you say, to keep them soft and sweet. You never know from day to day, which words you'll have to eat"--my high school business teacher) Prior to my comments,I had emailed privately some who responded to my original post and I will let you decide if you wish to maintain the contact. If you chose not to, I will miss you as I enjoyed those visits, but it is your choice and I will honor it.

And I'm glad I mixed up the two magazines. It restores my faith in the forum readers and assures me that I can still fit my big foot in my mouth.

-- marilyn (, July 23, 2001



If I recall correctly, I was the first to challenge your post. Nothing personal was intended. If it came across that way to you, I'm sorry. Heck, I enjoy a good debate and saw an opportunity.

As to mixing up magazines, I got an email today from 'Small Farm Today' magazine's managing editor, Paul Berg. In it he stated that his magazine has been confused with another publication entitled 'American Small Farm.' Apparently the "American" portion of their heading is in smaller letters across the top of the larger font "Small Farm."

In the email Mr. Berg references an email circulating regarding a free subscription to "Small Farm" (not his magazine). If anyone wants to see the email from Mr. Berg, I'll be happy to forward it.

Most importantly, Marylin, don't avoid here because someone might have barked at you (especially if that someone was me). I'll look forward to seeing you post again.

-- Gary in Indiana (, July 24, 2001.

Hi Marilyn, I too am glad you posted the offer, Paul E-mailed and I sent in a subscription and it all worked out perfect. Thanks again. Maureen

-- Maureen Stevenson (, July 24, 2001.

Hi, Marilyn,

-- Kathie in Western Washington (, July 24, 2001.

Hi, Marilyn, I hope you didn't think I was barking, too. I just wanted to let you know we were definitely talking about different magazines. And Gary's right, the American part of the magazine's name is in very small print, I had never even noticed it until I got one out to double check where it was published. If I had noticed it and put it in the original post, maybe this hoopla could have been avoided. If it makes you feel better, I got some pretty nasty private e-mails on the subject after you posted...and everyone had been so nice when they wanted the subscription! So, I'm sorry for the whole mix-up, too! Kathie

-- Kathie in Western Washington (, July 24, 2001.

Thanks to all for your understanding--I feel so much better about the whole situation. As I said, I don't always chose the right word and inflection is impossible in print. I don't expect perfection in others because I sure haven't attained it and accepted the responses in that light.

I got the same TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN email from Paul and one particularly to me about the mix up. I'm glad those of you who subscribed did so as it's a good magazine, put out by good down to earth people.

And Kathie, I'm sorry you took flack on my account. There was no need of it and I feel responsible as I put you in a bad situation. Do you think forcing my feet into smaller shoes would make them smaller? Might not fit my mouth so easily then.

You all have a great day. It looks to be hot as the mischief here in central MO as the last several days have been. The weatherman promises relief this evening with some showers and lower temps the rest of the week. Boy do I hope he's right!

And thanks again for your generous understanding.

-- marilyn (, July 24, 2001.

Whatever confusion occurred, thanks for posting this. I got a group email notice that included a contact telephone number so I can subscribe. Thanks again.

-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, July 24, 2001.

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