Goat kidding question

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HELP. This is the first kidding experience for us. We purchased two registered saanens in late September. They were bred on February 20, 2001. One is a two year old, who was a dry yearling, the other was not bred due to cystic ovaries last season. The two year old kidded, one doe and one buck on Saturday. (152 days from breeding) The kids are doing great. Now for my question, the four year old has yet to kid. She is absolutely huge. Can barely fit through the barn door. She has not had any problems throughout the pregnancy nor need she have a problem settling the first time being bred. ( I thought she may do to the cystic problem). She is definately pregnant so I know thats not the problem. Today is the 155 day. How long is a normal overdue time before I should get the vet to come out to the farm? She is still eating her grain, alfalfa hay, sunflower seeds, drinking well, etc. just hasn't kidded? I am starting ot worring. Am I just being a worry wart? Any replies are greatly appreciated.

-- Lisa Banik (lisavanvliet@hotmail.com), July 24, 2001


If she had a hard time getting bred then her due date may be off by a bit. here are some websites to help with determining when kidding is close, some have pics. The tail ligaments soften and get spongy, thats a sure sign, then they get restless, paw at ground, will go off feed when close too. Here are the sites:

OOps... didn't bookmark them. But I know someone else might have them on here. Good luck!


-- Bernice (geminigoats@yahoo.com), July 24, 2001.

The gestation period is 150 days plus or minus 10 days. Here is a site that has some info on birthing,etc. http://www.fiascofarm.com/goats/index.htm#raising . Good luck with the kidding.

-- leslie in Western WA (sundaycreek@gnrac.net), July 24, 2001.

Lisa, if she is eating and drinking well I believe you have no worries. If you read the links etc. it will give you some good ideas of what to expect. The only time I worry is if they start going off feed without active labor following, only happened to me once. Mostly they just stop eating, start getting really restless and pawing around just before they really start pushing. I have nubians that get really LOUD just before kidding but your breed I understand is a bit quieter.

-- diane (gardiacaprines@yahoo.com), July 24, 2001.

Actaully with cysts on her ovaries she may very well not have the right amount of hormones to go into labor normally. I simply do not allow my does to go over like this. Not only do the kids get to big, but they get edema in their udder. Our Nubians kid pretty much on day 150 unless they are carrying heavy multiples, and then they will go earlier. Our LaMancha's never made it to 150 days. I would lutelyse her so she is kidding both when you are home and when the vet will know she is kidding. A 2cc deep IM shot will give you kids in 36 hours. We use a breeding protocoal for does who are cystic which includes lutelyse at 150 days if they haven't kidded, and we always keep oxytocin on hand for placenta retention and milk let down. Though we rearly use the after care. Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh TX (vickilonesomedoe@hotmail.com), July 24, 2001.

Just wanted to let you all know that she kidded yesterday afternoon. It was not a pretty site, but we got the job done. Both the bucklings presented incorrectly and had to be repositioned. The first one just the head and the last one backwards with front leg also back. The first one was 8.5 lbs and the second 10.5 lbs. Momma and kids are fine.

-- Lisa Banik (lisavanvliet@hotmail.com), July 26, 2001.

YAY! You did a great job -- and so did the momma!

-- Anita Evangelista (ale368s@smsu.edu), July 26, 2001.

Glad to hear all went well. Congrats!:):)

-- Bernice (geminigoats@yahoo.com), July 26, 2001.

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