M2 vs. M6 finder brightness

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I just sent a M2 to leica for an overhaul. I forget how the finder was before but now when I compare it to the my M6 it seems to be at least a stop darker. I am not talking about the rangefinder patch but the whole finder. And it has a blue tint. But the blue tint I understand is normal. Anyway, is it normal that the finder seems darker when compared to a M6?

-- Russell Brooks (russell@ebrooks.org), July 25, 2001


The viewfinder of M3 and M2 were intentionally darkened and blued to increase contrast with the rangefinder patch, a was normal proceedure in German cameras of that era. This was changed in the M4 which has a very bright, uncolored finder, another reason why it is so popular. (The combined range/viewfinder of the competing Contax was almost Kelly green while the rangefinder patch was peach colored.)

-- Bill Mitchell (bmitch@home.com), July 25, 2001.

The brightest finder on the market at the moment appears to be the .58 finder. Visibly brighter than all the .72 versions. This is my own observation and may not be a true situation.

-- Simon Wong (drsimonwong@hotmail.com), July 26, 2001.

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