Goat with tan colored milkgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hi everyone. Please help me. I have a one and a half year old nubian goat, who had two healthy kids. She nursed fine, for eight weeks, then we separated, and began milking. The milk was fine for about a month, then the milk from one of her udders began to turn pink. Looked like blood. Then, about a week later, the milk turned a light tan color. The other side appears fine. She shows no sign of fever, and the udders appears normal. I have been milking her down, and have cleaned the udder, but the milk is still discolored on the one side. Does it appear that she has mastitis? And if so, what can I do? Thanks in advance. Don
-- Don Hughes (hughdh@trib.com), July 26, 2001
Don, sounds like she took a hit and bruised herself. Sometimes it takes quite awhile for a bloody udder to clear itself, plus it only takes a very small amount of blood to colour all of the milk. Milk with a very little bit of blood in it is tan coloured. I don't think it's mastitis and in another few days you'll see it clear completely.
-- Jennifer J. Lance (jlance@nospammail.com), July 26, 2001.
Jennifer: Thanks so much for your response. I just finished milking, and noticed that the tan color was fading. Maybe a few more days. Checked her udder, and couldn't find any signs of fever or lumps, and she seemed normal. Sounds like you might be right. Thanks again! Don
-- Don Hughes (hughdh@trib.com), July 26, 2001.